Hi guys,
Grabbed new DirectX compiler artifacts build yesterday. Having difficulty getting it running. Noob with this toolchain so likely something I've yet to comprehend, rather than something wrong with it.
DxcCreateInstance is failing : Class not registered.
Tried registering
regsvr32 /i dxcompiler.dll
regsvr32 /i dxil.dll
.. but no joy as they don't expose the interface regsvr32 requires.
Unsure how to register the required classes.
Tried removing other versions of those dlls on my system to ensure the right version of the dlls are picked up.
Ouput window shows the dlls are loaded.
static dxc::DxcDllSupport support;
void DXC_Init()
static bool done = false;
if (!done)
bool DXC_Test()
ComPtr<IDxcUtils> pUtils;
auto hr = DxcCreateInstance(CLSID_DxcUtils, IID_PPV_ARGS(pUtils.GetAddressOf())); return hr == S_OK;