
Any examples of a really simple minimalistic D3D11 engine?

Started by October 01, 2020 05:24 PM
0 comments, last by Ky. 4 years, 5 months ago

I recently learned that everything I thought I knew about gpu programming.. was decades old.

Past couple weeks I've been scrambling to build an incredibly simple little model viewer with D3D11 to get a better grasp on modern rendering pipelines, (and before anybody suggests it, it's ok, I get it, I know opengl 4+ has more beginner friendly tutorials, but it's DX that I want to learn which is why I'm focusing on it)

Are there any open examples of a minimalistic non-fancy D3D11 renderer that loads in non cmo models, one that can be picked apart with relative ease? One where I can go “hey how the heck did- ooohhhh I see, interesting”

Basically, I'm looking to see how a Model class and loader can be properly constructed using vert and index buffers without getting fancy or using external tools, and how and where the pixel and vert shaders come and go

I know this is quite specific, but I'm trying to build a glTF viewer here, and i'm uninterested in “converting” the model first to something else with DirectXMesh as many have suggested on other boards


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