I'm working on a jump'n'run adventure game similar to “Donkey Kong” or “Ori and the Blind Forest” and I wanted to get some feedback on the game art assets.
You play as a grumpy floppy disk (a.k.a. "Save-Button" in most programs lol) trying to survive the inner mechanisms of a modern computer after being thrown away by his owner as he upgraded to the new format named “CD”.
Well, I would prefer to draw the graphics for the game in a projection that has no depth like e.g. in old school Mario or Sonic for better coordination and timing for jumping, but on the other Hand I really don't like the look of it.
It seems really plain and I miss having an additional dimension to draw details or to elaborate the structure/form.
Here are some example assets:
I would like to hear your opinion about which projection you would prefer. I'm open for opinions about the assets too. Thanks.