
ChestNut - feedback request

Started by June 02, 2020 12:58 PM
1 comment, last by -Stu- 4 years, 2 months ago

Hello fellow developers,

I recently started learning Unity and a week ago I have finished my first game.
Since this is a first for me, I am constantly searching feedback and try to improve the gaming experience and design as much as possible, so I won`t repeat the same mistakes for the future games.

The game is called ChestNut because you are controlling a chest and you have to collect nuts *ba dum tss*
It is an endless runner based on a platform generator.

How is this game different from other endless runner games?
Well, the nuts can increase or decrease your score. My goal is to make the game almost impossible. Don`t know if this is a good strategy or not, but I shall see (feel free to share your opinion). Right now, the game`s difficulty is not that high.

These being said, please let me know what you think.

Google Play:

@TinnedKitten there is nothing wrong with having the hardest game in the world.. i found this link for you, i forgot how funny this was, iv been in tears and almost spat some of my beer out watching it xD

Kind Regards


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