
How to work with not grids sprite sheets?

Started by April 02, 2020 01:33 AM
11 comments, last by rafaelsantana 4 years, 5 months ago

Anthony Serrano said:
Actually it's not a rip from Mega Man X - it's the player character from Mega Man X redrawn in the style of a completely different game. That doesn't make it any less illegal to use, though.

Ah, you are right about it not being a rip. The character of Mega Man is still protected by copyright and IP laws, and as the sheet clearly represents that character, you can still not use the sprite sheet freely. Not that it matters if OP only uses it privately, but the point still remains.

Juliean said:

Anthony Serrano said:
Actually it's not a rip from Mega Man X - it's the player character from Mega Man X redrawn in the style of a completely different game. That doesn't make it any less illegal to use, though.

Ah, you are right about it not being a rip. The character of Mega Man is still protected by copyright and IP laws, and as the sheet clearly represents that character, you can still not use the sprite sheet freely. Not that it matters if OP only uses it privately, but the point still remains.

A good call out, while a misdemeanor if only used for private purposes, I wouldn't mess with them. I am currently working on my 2d game engine in win32 api and needed sprites to test but to avoid copyright issues and stop myself from being lazy I instead made my own little character into a sprite sheet.

jake sprite sheet

I'm by no means an artist but if you mess around long enough with things, you slowly start to get good at it. I've seen some improvement but there is room for more. To create the walking animation, I used autocad and extracted the animation frames into separate bitmaps and created a sprite sheet using GIMP, took a while but the time and effort put into it was well worth it and I was proud enough to call it “my work” you can use my sprite sheet to test or experiment if you like, it's based on 100x100 tiles.

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