Green_Baron said:
Opinion: a function pointer is a very basic C functionality and doesn't require higher skill levels to use. Function pointers are used all over the C/C++ languages' standard or template libraries, where they are often used without noticing (example sorting).
Sure, a function pointer is a trivial thing. Having to know/figure out all the functions/types you need, and getting everything right is not basic or trivial at all. There's a reason libraries like GLEW and GLUT exist. Its pretty much like I wouldn't recommend a beginner to use raw Win-API for window handling over some library like SFML (even though I personally do the former).
Green_Baron said:
More opinion about D3D: The D3D i looked at (9) worked with macros where it could. Macros everywhere. Terrible for debugging.
Yeah, D3D9 is pretty much on the level of early GL. DX11 is an entirely different API, and I base my opinions solely on that. Even though I would probably give D3D9 a little edge over GL, mainly for the fact that that its error-reporting was still better, and a little easier to mess up the resource-bindings.
Green_Baron said:
This is all opinion based, beautiful projects are made with OpenGL as well as D3Dwhatever :-)
That goes without saying, what I care more is how long it took/would have taken, and factors like maintainability etc… without saying too much, I just wanna point to “lugaru” ( which was a successful indie title and certainly impressive, until you look at the code an realise it could have been realised with much less pain ?