
Would Sekiro be a good fighting game?

Started by October 18, 2019 09:51 AM
0 comments, last by TehosKhiin 5 years, 3 months ago


It's my first time posting anything on this forum but I thought it was time to step up my knowledge about gaming theory and game design if I want to get into the industry. I have a lot of ideas of games that would be great. I write everything, draw characters, right stories, design and think about gameplay mechanics etc. A day I had an epiphany about a fighting game with Sekiro's gameplay. I know of course there would be a lot of problems being wonky, the guard bar must be readjusted, and the major problem would be the deflect spamming. But personally I think that with some adjustments, great character, some risk reward (like you can cancel an attack to throw of your opponent or if you try to deflect and miss your deflect you get punished for 'spamming') mechanics, It would be an engaging experience. It would be intuitive, easy to learn hard to master and mind games. 

Of course, I write all of this because I intent to begin digging a bit deeper with that idea. If any of you think this is crap or it is the wrong section of the forum feel free to report me. Sorry if it is the case ^^.

Hope it will interest anybody.  sekiro-shadows-die-twice-review-03.jpg

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