
Any ideas for mp usage formula

Started by October 07, 2019 05:00 PM
6 comments, last by Tom Sloper 5 years, 3 months ago

I've been trying to find a formula for mp usage for a while.  Haven't had much luck so I'm making this post instead. Anyway any ideas for an mp usage formula?  it would help if I had it soon since I'm doing a project that has a deadline of Friday this week.


Could you go into a bit more detail on what you're asking?

"The bigger they are, the larger they are."

1 hour ago, Chug Buster said:

Could you go into a bit more detail on what you're asking?

Yes, what do you mean by "mp usage"? And why is your boss giving you such a short deadline?

Are you positive there really is a formula for what you're trying to do?

-- Tom Sloper --

Assume that you want your player to complete a quest. As a game designer, you should have a pretty good idea of the challenges ahead as the player travels from point A to B. So for a best case scenario, what do you need to provide your player with to be able to pass the expected challenges?

I should be more specific it's a school project and what I mean by mp usage is whenever you use a spell you have to use a certain amount of mp to use it for example If you use say fire it uses 5 mp

There's a policy here of not helping with homework. Still, I think it's fair to say that you need to look into creating a formula that fits the needs for your specific game. It's not really a matter of using a formula that already exists somewhere.

3 hours ago, kseh said:

There's a policy here of not helping with homework.

Yep. Locking thread. Gogeta, you'll have to do your homework yourself. Brainstorm with fellow students. Talk to your professor! 

-- Tom Sloper --

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