I'm trying to implement model loading, and so far the meshes and most vertex data is imported correctly. However, some meshes seems to get the uv's wrong (as seen in attached screenshot) and I don't really have any idea how to debug this. Below are the shaders and the model class which does the loading with assimp. The whole project can be found at https://github.com/N00TN00T/Wizzy.
layout(location = 0) in vec4 vertexPosition;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 vertexUv;
layout(location = 2) in vec3 vertexNormal;
uniform mat4 camTransform;
uniform mat4 worldTransform;
out vec4 worldPosition;
out vec2 uv;
void main() {
worldPosition = camTransform * worldTransform * vertexPosition;
gl_Position = worldPosition;
uv = vertexUv;
out vec4 outColor;
in vec4 worldPosition;
in vec2 uv;
uniform vec4 albedo = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
uniform vec4 diffuseColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
uniform bool useDiffuseMap = false;
uniform sampler2D diffuseMap;
void main()
vec4 textureColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
if (useDiffuseMap) {
textureColor = texture(diffuseMap, uv);
outColor = textureColor * diffuseColor * albedo;
Model class:
// model.h
class Model
: public Resource {
Model(const string& sourceFile, const string& data, const ulib::Bitset& flags);
std::vector<Mesh>& GetMeshes() { return m_meshes; }
string Serialize() const override;
Model* Create(const string& sourceFile, const string& data, ulib::Bitset flags = ulib::Bitset());
bool VerifyAssimpScene(const aiScene *scene, string *error);
bool VerifyAssimpMesh(const aiMesh *mesh, string *error);
bool ProcessNode(aiNode *node, const aiScene *scene,
const string& sourceFile);
Mesh ProcessMesh(aiMesh *mesh, const aiScene *scene, bool *success,
const string& sourceFile, int32 meshIndex);
MaterialHandle ProcessMaterial(aiMaterial *mat,
const string& meshName,
const aiScene *scene,
const string& sourceFile);
std::vector<TextureHandle> LoadMaterialTextures(aiMaterial *mat,
int32 textureType,
const aiScene *scene,
const string& sourceFile);
std::vector<Mesh> m_meshes;
// model.cpp
Model::Model(const string& sourceFile, const string& data, const ulib::Bitset& flags)
: Resource(flags, "Model", WZ_EXTENSION_MODEL) {
WZ_CORE_TRACE("Reading model with assimp from data");
Assimp::Importer _importer;
std::vector<Material*> _materials;
std::vector<string> _meshNames;
const aiScene *_scene
= _importer.ReadFileFromMemory(&data[0], data.size(),
aiProcess_Triangulate |
aiProcess_FlipUVs |
aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices |
aiProcess_SortByPType |
aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals |
aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace |
aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials |
aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes |
string _sceneError = "";
if (!_scene) {
WZ_CORE_ERROR("Failed loading model, Assimp error: {0}", _importer.GetErrorString());
m_isValid = false;
WZ_CORE_INFO("Successfully read model from data");
WZ_CORE_TRACE("Verifying scene...");
if (!VerifyAssimpScene(_scene, &_sceneError)) {
WZ_CORE_ERROR("Failed loading model from data: '{0}'...", _sceneError);
m_isValid = false;
WZ_CORE_INFO("Scene was verified successfully");
ProcessNode(_scene->mRootNode, _scene, sourceFile);
m_isValid = true;
WZ_CORE_INFO("Model successfully initialized");
string Model::Serialize() const {
WZ_CORE_ERROR("Model serializing not yet implemented");
return "";
bool Model::VerifyAssimpScene(const aiScene *scene, string *error) {
*error = "Unknown error";
if (!scene) {
*error = "Scene was null, assimp error...";
return false;
if (!scene->HasMeshes()) {
*error = "File has no meshes";
return false;
return true;
bool Model::VerifyAssimpMesh(const aiMesh *mesh, string *error) {
*error = "Unknown error";
if (!mesh) {
*error = "Mesh is null";
return false;
if (!mesh->HasFaces()) {
*error = "Mesh has no indices";
return false;
if (!mesh->HasNormals()) {
*error = "Mesh has no normals";
return false;
if (!mesh->HasPositions()) {
*error = "Mesh has no positions";
return false;
return true;
bool Model::ProcessNode(aiNode *node, const aiScene *scene, const string& sourceFile) {
WZ_CORE_TRACE("Processing ai node '{0}'...", node->mName.C_Str());
WZ_CORE_TRACE("Processing {0} meshes...", node->mNumMeshes);
for (u32 i = 0; i < node->mNumMeshes; i++) {
WZ_CORE_TRACE("Processing mesh {0}/{1}", i + 1, node->mNumMeshes);
aiMesh *_mesh = scene->mMeshes[node->mMeshes[i]];
bool _meshSuccess = false;
auto _processedMesh = ProcessMesh(_mesh, scene, &_meshSuccess, sourceFile, i);
if (_meshSuccess) {
} else {
WZ_CORE_ERROR("Failed processing node, error when processing mesh.");
return false;
WZ_CORE_INFO("Successfully processed mesh {0}/{1}", i + 1, node->mNumMeshes);
WZ_CORE_TRACE("Processing {0} node children...", node->mNumChildren);
bool _anyFailure = false;
for (u32 i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; i++) {
WZ_CORE_TRACE("Processing child {0}/{1}", i + 1, node->mNumChildren);
if (!ProcessNode(node->mChildren[i], scene, sourceFile)) {
_anyFailure = true;
if (_anyFailure) {
return false;
WZ_CORE_INFO("Successfully processed ai node '{0}'", node->mName.C_Str());
return true;
Mesh Model::ProcessMesh(aiMesh *mesh, const aiScene *scene, bool *success, const string& sourceFile, int32 meshIndex) {
*success = true;
string meshError = "";
std::vector<Vertex> _vertices;
std::vector<u32> _indices;
WZ_CORE_TRACE("Verifying mesh");
if (!VerifyAssimpMesh(mesh, &meshError)) {
WZ_CORE_ERROR("Failed processing mesh: {0}", meshError);
*success = false;
return Mesh();
WZ_CORE_TRACE("Reserving memory for {0} vertices and {1} faces ({2} indices) [{2} Bytes]",
mesh->mNumVertices, mesh->mNumFaces,
mesh->mNumFaces * 3,
(sizeof(Vertex) * mesh->mNumVertices + sizeof(u32) * mesh->mNumFaces * 3));
_indices.reserve(mesh->mNumFaces * 3);
WZ_CORE_TRACE("Iterating {0} vertices...", mesh->mNumVertices);
for (u32 i = 0; i < mesh->mNumVertices; i++) {
if (rand() % 500 == 3) {
WZ_CORE_TRACE("Vertices progress: {0}%", (int)(((float)i / (float)mesh->mNumVertices) * 100));
aiVector3D& _pos = mesh->mVertices[i];
aiVector3D _uv;
aiVector3D& _normal = mesh->mNormals[i];
if (mesh->HasTextureCoords(0)) {
_uv = mesh->mTextureCoords[0][i];
} else {
_uv = aiVector3D(0, 0, 0);
vec3(_pos.x, _pos.y, _pos.z),
vec2(_uv.x, _uv.y),
vec3(_normal.x, _normal.y, _normal.z)
for (u32 i = 0; i < mesh->mNumFaces; i++) {
aiFace& _face = mesh->mFaces[i];
WZ_CORE_ASSERT(_face.mNumIndices == 3, "Model must be triangulated (Should be done automatically at import?)");
for (u32 j = 0; j < _face.mNumIndices; j++) {
aiMaterial *_aiMat = scene->mMaterials[mesh->mMaterialIndex];
string _meshName = ulib::File::name_of(sourceFile) + "_mesh_" + std::to_string(meshIndex) + string("_") + mesh->mName.C_Str();
auto _material = ProcessMaterial(_aiMat, _meshName, scene, sourceFile);
if (_material == WZ_NULL_RESOURCE_HANDLE) {
WZ_CORE_ERROR("Failed processing mesh, couldn't create material");
*success = false;
return Mesh();
return { _vertices, _indices, _material, _meshName };
MaterialHandle Model::ProcessMaterial(aiMaterial *mat, const string& meshName, const aiScene *scene, const string& sourceFile) {
string _materialHandle = meshName + "_material";
Material *_material = new Material(WZ_DEFAULT_SHADER_HANDLE);
auto _diffuseTextures = LoadMaterialTextures(mat, (int32)aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, scene, sourceFile);
if (_diffuseTextures.size() == 0) {
auto _mainDiffuseTexture = _diffuseTextures[0];
_material->diffuseMapHandle = _mainDiffuseTexture;
ResourceManagement::Add(_material, _materialHandle);
return _materialHandle;
std::vector<TextureHandle> Model::LoadMaterialTextures(aiMaterial *mat, int32 textureType, const aiScene *scene, const string& sourceFile) {
WZ_CORE_TRACE("Handling textures of texture type {0} for material...", textureType);
std::vector<TextureHandle> _textures;
u32 _count = mat->GetTextureCount((aiTextureType)textureType);
string _fileDirectory = ulib::File::directory_of(sourceFile);
string _fileName = ulib::File::without_extension(ulib::File::name_of(sourceFile));
if (_count == 0) {
WZ_CORE_TRACE("No texture found in model file...");
WZ_CORE_TRACE("Searching for common disk textures in model directory...");
static string _fmts[] = {
".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".tga", ".bmp", ".psd", ".gid", ".hdr", ".pic"
}; // TODO
string _diffuseFile = _fileDirectory + "/diffuse";
bool _foundDiffuse = false;
for (const auto& _fmt : _fmts) {
if (ulib::File::exists(_diffuseFile + _fmt)) {
WZ_CORE_TRACE("Found '{0}'", _diffuseFile + _fmt);
_diffuseFile += _fmt;
_foundDiffuse = true;
if (_foundDiffuse) {
string _handle = _fileName + "_" + std::to_string(textureType) + "_" + ulib::File::without_extension(ulib::File::name_of(_diffuseFile));
ResourceManagement::Load<Texture>(_diffuseFile, _handle);
} else {
aiColor3D _aiColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
switch ((aiTextureType)textureType) {
case aiTextureType_DIFFUSE:
mat->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE, _aiColor);
default: WZ_CORE_ASSERT(false, "Unimplemented aiTextureType"); break;
if (_aiColor.IsBlack()) {
WZ_CORE_TRACE("No color property found, using unloaded texture...");
} else {
WZ_CORE_TRACE("Color property found, creating 1x1 texture...");
auto _color = Color(_aiColor.r, _aiColor.g, _aiColor.b, 1.f);
Texture *_texture = Texture::Create((byte*)&_color, 1, 1);
auto _handle = ulib::File::name_of(sourceFile) + "_" + std::to_string(textureType) + "_1x1_texture";
ResourceManagement::Add(_texture, _handle);
} else {
WZ_CORE_TRACE("{0} Textures found...", _count);
for (u32 i = 0; i < _count; i++) {
aiString _path;
mat->GetTexture((aiTextureType)textureType, i ,&_path);
string _file = ulib::File::directory_of(sourceFile) + "/" +
string _handle = ulib::File::name_of(sourceFile) + "_" + std::to_string(textureType) + "_" + ulib::File::name_of(_file);
WZ_CORE_ASSERT(ulib::File::exists(_file), "Embedded textures not yet implemnted");
ResourceManagement::Load<Texture>(_file, _handle);
if (_textures.size() == 0) {
WZ_CORE_ERROR("Something went wrong when processing textures, applying invalid texture");
return _textures;