My gut response is to add a quality-of-life feature in the options menu to maintain 5-10 turns worth of autosaves. RNG inherently incentivizes save scamming (because everyone prefers high rolls over low ones), so throwing a bone to that crowd would do more for the game than would fighting them.
Save-scamming in turnbased game?
Personally, I think there should always be an option to disable save states in the main menu before starting the game. You're only making it frustrating for the people who want to play normally or otherwise play for the challenge, because every time they die or make the tiniest mistake, they're going to be wrestling with the temptation to use save states. It's not a great experience.
Just try playing Mega Man on PS4, which has save states, and then immediately after, try out the NES version which doesn't have save states. I think you'll agree that even if you choose to ignore the save states in the PS4 version, the fact that they are there alters the experience for the worse. Once you plant that seed in the mental landscape of your game, well, it's there, and the player has to deal with it whether they like it or not... Unless you allow them to disable it in the main menu before starting! That's my idea on save states.