
Feedback on Game Programmer portfolio and resume

Started by June 02, 2019 04:54 PM
1 comment, last by ashstampede 5 years, 8 months ago

Hi all,

I am an indie game programmer, by nights and weekends, working on an indie game in Unity and C#. In the past I've worked as a game programmer for a local game studio, making serious learning games in C++ and Lua. My day job is a software developer, making web apps in C#, AngularsJS, Bootstrap, etc. My true passion, however, is making games and because of that I can no longer justify spending my days making software apps I am not passionate about. I did that for several years, thinking that if i worked on my indie game nights and weekends and held a day job as a software developer for business apps, I would have the best of both worlds. That worked for a while, but lately I've been feeling more and more unfulfilled at my day job.

Long story short, I've recently decided to start looking for a full-time game programmer job, and to that end, I hired a web designer to create a portfolio for me. The portfolio is now done and was launched earlier this week. I'd like to get feedback on it, as well as my resume (which can be found on the portfolio):

Game Programmer Portfolio 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

You just need to apply for jobs. You’ve got a lot of experience. Three shipped game titles is Big. You’re underselling your past game experience, even in your post here asking others to review. I’m in the same mind set as youself and doing the night/weekend games programmer and a Day time business programmer. If I had already complied up a portfolio like you have. I would have already applied to all game companies in my area. 

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