
Dual Contouring Suggestions

Started by May 27, 2019 09:11 PM
0 comments, last by mattbick2003 5 years, 4 months ago

So for a very long time now, I have been messing around with Marching Cubes to create a Voxel Engine, however, I am wanting to move onto Dual Contouring since it has easier support for things such as Multiple Materials, LOD, and sharp features. So I am currently stuck on a crossroads between creating an Octree for Adaptive Dual Contouring, or performing Dual Contouring on a uniform grid then perform a simplification algorithm to achieve and LOD like effect (I don't know how this would effect sharp features). So I guess my main question is, what should I do? I am really attempting to prioritize efficiency but also quality of the terrain that I am attempting to render. Any insight on how each would be implemented would also be much appreciated as I am also attempting to parallelize the entire process.

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