Hey - me and my team are working on a 1 v 1 FPS game in Unity, and are actually quite far along (you can find some updates on our twitter: https://twitter.com/DibbieGames), having the majority of programming and audio covered - and now, we are looking for artists to help us reach the finish line.
We are currently looking for a 2D artist who can create “stylized”/cartoony HUD/UI/UX elements such as health bars, crosshairs, weapon icons, menu buttons, sliders, etc, and possibly backgrounds for our menu screens.
We are also looking for a 3D artist or two, who can create weapon models, and animate our rigged characters – all details about exactly who we are looking for, their exact requirements, responsibilities, and overview of the project can be found here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1E1vBu3zB7mOb3yYfjdoV7OJHz_gEhnQA7kwj8j9dls0
If you are interested in joining the project, or if you have any questions, feel free to contact me on Discord: Dibbie#0408 or email: dibbieknight@gmail.com
This is a voluntary project that does not intend to make any money. Our current goal is to release on Steam for PC in about 4 to 6 months. You can find updates on our Twitter, I try to post there as often as I can.
Please provide at least 2 examples of your work (WIP's are fine), and/or a website/portfolio (DeviantArt, ArtStation, etc are fine). If you do not have any of the above, be willing to take an "art test" to demonstrate your art style and creativity.