
Anyone got the answer?

Started by December 05, 2001 10:00 PM
29 comments, last by Andrew Nguyen 22 years, 9 months ago
Wait, not deity, but...

A 17-yearold without a life and doesn''t even really own Linux.

Yes, it''s true,
there should be
a Java-Python-C++ language called Japyc
or (Jah-PIC)
---START GEEK CODE BLOCK---GCS/M/S dpu s:+ a---- C++ UL(+) P(++) L+(+) E--- W++ N+ o K w(--) !O !M !V PS- PE+Y+ PGP+ t 5 X-- R tv+ b+ DI+ D G e* h! r-- !x ---END GEEK CODE BLOCK---
quote: Original post by a person
umm i have a compaq and you can replace the harddrive with non bigfoot drive.

Well, maybe Bigfoot has gone standard. The only one I''d seen was in the old Compaq my mom had, it was really weird. It was so odd that we couldn''t get it to use any other hard drives in its place. Maybe it was a fluke or something.

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
There''s nothing wrong with Windows XP, I''d run that any day over Linux. I have nothing against Linux, but it still has a long way to go before it will match NT performance. You''d be better off getting a SGM with Unix installed.

I would build your own computer instead of buying a compaq. You can get far better parts for the same price, and everything won''t be stuck to the motherboard.

You probably never even seen a Linux box running. That good old excuse: "Linux still has a long way to go.. " bullshit is driving me nuts, if you don''t like the OS, just say so and if you don''t know the OS you''re talking about, don''t post. Oh and for your information, Linux beat NT in most test performed where I used to work( that goes for stability, performance, etc. ) so you better learn what you''re talking about...

"And that''s the bottom line cause I said so!"

Headhunter Soft
A division of DLC Multimedia

Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!

"gitty up" -- Kramer
/(bb|[^b]{2})/ that is the Question --
[Cyberdrek | ]
There''s no reason to buy a Compaq, Dell or whatever. Buy the parts, put them on, plug in the outlet and off you go. It''ll save a lot of money and let you buy better hardware.

Gaiomard Dragon
Gaiomard Dragon-===(UDIC)===-
quote: A 17-yearold without a life and doesn''t even really own Linux.

Uhh, how many "17 year olds" have a book on Linux game programming published?

rm -rf /bin/laden
quote: Original post by Cyberdrek
You probably never even seen a Linux box running. That good old excuse: "Linux still has a long way to go.. " bullshit is driving me nuts, if you don''t like the OS, just say so and if you don''t know the OS you''re talking about, don''t post. Oh and for your information, Linux beat NT in most test performed where I used to work( that goes for stability, performance, etc. ) so you better learn what you''re talking about...

I''ve used several distrubutions of Linux, and no matter how hard you tweak the damn thing, it still runs at a snails pace. Put any version of NT on the same box and you got a solid machine that runs much faster than Linux. As for stability, Linux is just as bad as the other OSes.

quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
I''ve used several distrubutions of Linux, and no matter how hard you tweak the damn thing, it still runs at a snails pace.

In what situations? What distro''s? How good are you at setting up Linux and the other nescessary components (remember, Linux is just the kernel).

quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Put any version of NT on the same box and you got a solid machine that runs much faster than Linux.

In what situations? Where you running a decked out WM? Well, then, what do you expect? Use a simpler one. Was it a new kernel? What is built for your hardware? Where you loading excess drivers or modules?

quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
As for stability, Linux is just as bad as the other OSes.

In what situations? Do you see a pattern in what I''m asking? Can you actually prove it crashed? Or was it just X that crashed? If it was, then Linux was actually still running, you had just lost control (you can kill X from a remote terminal and the system keeps going without a reboot).

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
My statistics show that a whopping 93% of Windows users suffer from cronic impotency. That figure is 2% for Linux users, and 0.2% for users of one of the free BSDs. If the threat if iminent impotency doesn''t scare your dad into getting you what you want, then you might as well just give up and move out.

Please don''t feed the troll.
Well, I really don''t care who made Linux, myself. I''m in a band, I''m an artist and a writer, and I would like to learn Linux. Look at some of the screenshots, man. They''re beautiful. Not the text-based stuff, of course, but the GUIs and everything are much better, at least appearance-wise, than Windows. And Linux has a very good reputation. Windows is just what the average person uses, that''s all.

Now, I never did understand how people argue over, say, Netscape vs. IE or anything, so I stay away from that kind of online trash talk. But I can recognize when something needs to be taken out and shot when I see it.

The only two systems I''ve ever used are Windows and, for only a few minutes at school, Macintosh. I''ve never actually gotten to use Linux to this day. I tried a few weeks ago to install Red Hat, but the disk-partition deal didn''t work. My dad got so pissed.

I really don''t like Windows anymore, and apparently many more agree with me. When I turn my microwave on, I expect it to cook whatever I put in it. When I turn on my computer, I expect it to, you know, work.... I''m not dumb enough to put metal in a microwave, and just the same I know how to use & how not to use a computer.

In my couple of years in using computers, I''ve learned to do things yourself. Bring your dad to a smaller, local computer shop, not a big store like Best Buy or anything, where you can have a computer custom made for less money. Compromise with him on what YOU want and what HE wants. That, or just deal with, learn from your shiny new... almost-computer... and learn all you can off the Internet and in magazines and books on how to build your own. Save up some money and go for it. That''s what I''m having to do with this Micron.

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