Hello, I made a directional light with diffuse. Now If I rotate my camera I see changes. Some parts naturally becomes darker. I did not pass parameters from variables I directly put them to see if that works. My problem, if I rotate or move cam I see changes but if I rotate or move mesh I cant see changes. What should I add to see the differences when mesh rotated ?
Texture2D ShaderTexture : register(t0);
Texture2D ShaderTextureNormal : register(t1);
SamplerState Sampler : register(s0);
cbuffer CBufferPerFrame{
float4 AmbientColor = float4(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
float4 LightColor = float4(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
float3 lightDirection = float3(0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f);
cbuffer CBufferPerObject{
float4x4 worldViewProj;
float4x4 world;
struct VS_IN
float4 pos : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL; // Normal - for lighting
float4 col : COLOR;
float2 TextureUV: TEXCOORD0; // Texture UV coordinate
struct PS_IN
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float4 col : COLOR;
float2 TextureUV: TEXCOORD;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float3 tangent : TANGENT;
float3 binormal : BINORMAL;
float3 lightDirection:LIGHT;
float3 WorldPos:POSITION1;
PS_IN VS( VS_IN input )
PS_IN output = (PS_IN)0;
output.pos = mul(input.pos, worldViewProj);
output.col = 1.0f-((input.pos.w /* * input.col*/) / (input.pos.z /* *input.col*/));
output.TextureUV = input.TextureUV;
output.normal = normalize(mul(float4(input.normal,0), world).xyz);
output.tangent = CalculateTangent(input.normal);
output.col = input.col;
output.WorldPos = mul( input.pos, world );
return output;
float4 PS( PS_IN input ) : SV_Target
float3 sampledNormal = (2*ShaderTextureNormal.Sample(Sampler,input.TextureUV).xyz) - 1.0f;
float3x3 tbn = float3x3(input.tangent, input.binormal, input.normal);
sampledNormal = mul(sampledNormal, tbn);
float4 N = ShaderTextureNormal.Sample(Sampler, input.TextureUV)*2.0f-1.0f;
float4 D = ShaderTexture.Sample(Sampler, input.TextureUV);
float3 lightDirection = normalize(-1*input.lightDirection);
float n_dot_1 = dot (lightDirection, input.normal);
float3 ambient = D.rgb * float3(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f) * 0;
float3 diffuse=(float3)0;
if( N.x == -1 && N.y == -1 && N.z == -1 && N.w == -1)
diffuse = D.rgb* float3(1,1,1) * 1 * n_dot_1;
input.col.rgb=(ambient+ diffuse);
input.col.a = D.a;
//Not used for now.
//input.col = saturate(dot(N,input.lightDirection));
return input.col;