33 minutes ago, Scouting Ninja said:Just indicating that any first time user could misjudge the engines, especially if you consider that Unreal has blueprints that could be used for a long time before the user needs to move to VS. Unity needs a code editor to make games; it doesn't have a build in one like Unreal. Making the code editor a important part of the size of the engine.
Fair enough, I totally agree with it. Unreal blueprints are powerful enough to make a game without struggling with coding.
35 minutes ago, Scouting Ninja said:Having looked around the web I see these points made: Apparently with monodevelop if you make a small change you can just save and Unity will pick it up; with VS the project needs to be build. Monodevelop can be edited while the editor is running, where VS freezes editing. VS Community autocomplete is slower and some of them can't get it to work; in fact a huge amount of them struggle with IntelliSense. VS studio also re-creates scripts when the name is changed while VS is running...(all minor things)
Some can't even get VS running because the installer freezes or the Unity workshop doesn't work.
So, that's why I can't understand it - because I've never had any crash and freeze, VS solution doesn't need to be rebuilt, I can save and switch to Unity which recompiles scripts and voila. IntelliSense works like a charm. VS freezes editor only while it's loading, not a big thing.
Some people can have problems with software, that's understandable. Right. If I had those problems I wouldn't choose it too.
39 minutes ago, Scouting Ninja said:It must feel like someone forcing you to replace your computer with a new high-tech one, pay three times the price for it; but you can't use it because you don't know where the on switch is. You would have been happier with the old computer, it was working fine.
I believe it's just move to get more modern computer, to not stuck back, but it's not so big move to high-tech, VS is not that heavy. I think big companies should go for modern, stable and mature development. It had to be finally done. All software will be obsolete someday.
2018 is a modern version, BUT you still can use 2017 version for a long time (LTS idea) and use MonoDevelop.
44 minutes ago, Scouting Ninja said:Maybe Unity should have left it in, but not supported it; that way people would have moved on naturally as monodevelop broke apart.
As I mentioned above, so you can use MonoDevelop, but in 2017, which will be supported for a while. I think if they left it without support in newer Unity's version, it would be problematic in short time (a lot of bugs and lack of stability).
I'd sum it up to If you use older hardware, use older software. Older hardware you have, older software you'll use.