
The Battlefield V "Historical Accuracy" Controversy

Started by May 31, 2018 03:15 PM
161 comments, last by benjamin1441 6 years, 3 months ago
9 minutes ago, Michael Aganier said:

This stinks of moralising, contempt and disrespect towards the players

Why are you offended by minority representation in games? How does this hurt your game play?

10 minutes ago, Michael Aganier said:

Now, what do you correct by adding minorities to the game? If those minorities have nothing to do with the history, plot or context of the game, then what are you correcting? What in the game was wrong that needed to have minorities to be corrected?

Look up Symbolic Annihilation in scientific literature to have those answers.It's not strictly about correcting the past, but carrying on in a better way.


12 minutes ago, Michael Aganier said:

We as game makers are not here to moralise the player, we are here to entertain them

This is a very limiting view. You can do multiple things with a game. You are describing toys.

25 minutes ago, Michael Aganier said:

The historical accuracy argument is a pretext.

Alright granted. I tend to agree as well.

26 minutes ago, Michael Aganier said:

Now, what do you correct by adding minorities to the game? If those minorities have nothing to do with the history, plot or context of the game, then what are you correcting? What in the game was wrong that needed to have minorities to be corrected?

Let me flip this question on its head: what do you break by adding other ethnicities/races/genders into this game? Gameplay wise it is still pretty much the same game as before. Historical accuracy? Well, as we've stated before, these games never were historically accurate to begin with. They've always been World War 2 (or whichever game) skinned shooters. And you've already stated this isn't about historical accuracy so it's a moot point anyways.

29 minutes ago, Michael Aganier said:

Nothing. Minorities are forced into our games for political reasons. Not for game design reasons.

What is pissing people off is the political agenda you push on them. This stinks of moralising, contempt and disrespect towards the players.

But what are those political reasons? How are we being political by simply letting players play as a non male/non white character? How does this push any agenda? If these characters had obvious political slogans on them, well, maybe there is an obvious agenda, but that certainly isn't the case in this game. There are some games that are very obviously political, but this doesn't seem to be the case.

Is it because this is a WW2 shooter? But we already stated that this isn't about history, so then what is it about?

All I'm trying to say is, are you sure you aren't seeing agendas where there are none?

I think many of us are genuinely curious (at least @JoeJ and I are) about what really is the issue here. I'm a bit at a loss myself at least.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!


I don't get it... it's just a game that is meant to be fun. Period. Battlefield has never been accurate and they don't claim to be either (jump from a jet, shoot a rocket launcher or snipe, get back in jet and fly away; as an example). In COD you can run along a wall, but everyone is OK with that. Why is something so minute such an issue with Battlefield? If it bothers someone that bad then they need to take another look at their priorities.









3 minutes ago, AtomicWinter said:

 If it bothers someone that bad then they need to take another look at their priorities.



Why should they? They can simply not play. 

1 hour ago, Gnollrunner said:

Why should they? They can simply not play. 

Seems like a redundant statement since it's essentially analogous to what I was trying to portray.

6 hours ago, Brad_HP said:

If you want realism, watch the History channel.

The History channel??? The one with ancient aliens and other nonsense? 

You may as well watch Game of Thrones, it's about as historically accurate and has better production values.



if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight
33 minutes ago, ChaosEngine said:

The History channel??? The one with ancient aliens and other nonsense? 

You may as well watch Game of Thrones, it's about as historically accurate and has better production values.



Okay, maybe a bad example.  I haven't had cable TV in about 10 years, it used to be good stuff on there.

5 hours ago, Michael Aganier said:

The historical accuracy argument is a pretext. The real reason is much deeper and the gamers are justified to be angered.

People change things for a reason. If I have a cake that's so sweet that it tastes bad, I will alter the recipe to make it better. I will correct the recipe because it was wrong, and it will be right once corrected. 

Now, what do you correct by adding minorities to the game? If those minorities have nothing to do with the history, plot or context of the game, then what are you correcting? What in the game was wrong that needed to have minorities to be corrected? Nothing. Minorities are forced into our games for political reasons. Not for game design reasons.

What is pissing people off is the political agenda you push on them. This stinks of moralising, contempt and disrespect towards the players. We as game makers are not here to moralise the player, we are here to entertain them.

No. The exact opposite. The game hasn't pushed anything. Rabid reactionaries are projecting their own politics onto a damn game, and then claiming they're the ones being attacked, that there's a mysterious evil "them" pushing horrible politics at them via products that they love, poisoning their "own" culture... when in fact no such thing is happening, and they're the ones who are harassing developers and demanding that games be changed to suit their own twisted politics.

Sorry, but it turns out that you guys were the real "abusive SJW bullies" all along.

The people upset about this are talking about their own inner demons, not any actual truth about the world we live in.

7 hours ago, deltaKshatriya said:

Was Battlefield ever marketed as a realistic shooter?

Battlefield has always been a comedic parody of a realistic shooter, that never takes the genre seriously.

If they're going serious now, that's the real controversy :D

7 hours ago, JoeJ said:

While watching the the trailer i've learned that war must be total fun! Can't wait for WW3! ...and probably all those terrible things that happened during WW2 were not that bad at all? I mean... looks really funny - colorful fireworks or something.


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