Hi, as requested a re-post ( i dont know why the whole topic can not be moved by admin ? )
Here it is :
Hi, i am very intrested in this topic.
If you look to a PS2 game like resident 4, you will see the skybox also have clouds passing by, very nice made.
( i cant find a youtube movie of the last level, they dont look to the skybox )
Anyways this is how i have my skybox with all my super simple tricks :
No floor, the level will generate the horizon.
No looking up either, there is a empty spot, the background wont be cleared so it remembers the last drawn pixels,
you could clear the screen, only it is very cpu demanding, for a simple level you could, then have alpha values in your skybox to blend towards the sky and floor,
you need to add some extra vertices for that.
I made the skybox have selectable wall ammount, from box to cylinder, so it wont look super warped in the corners like a skybox.
The skybox has always the camera position, so it wont move, rotation would look a dumb way to move the clouds.
The textures are mirrored in a selectable ammount, can set how many times you want the texture repeating.
Still no perfect skybox, i hope you find out some more or someone will post it ( i bet the pro`s are typing on skyboxes instead of posting here ).
You could make to load mountain mesh also in the skybox, or some planets and astroids in the skybox.
Still i have exact the same question as you : how to make a flat horizon ?
Look at this movie its for sega saturn so it should be doable very simple somehow ::