This book was announced since such a long time. It seems still not released (from amazon.com) or temporarily out of stock (amazon.fr).
I was first thinking to buy it and had even made a pre-order. But I canceled it. Mainly because it is not cheap (at least 70€). Also because I had recently bad experiences with products that were giving announces long time before the release. And also because except the PBR and GI part, all the rest seems to be the same as the previous edition (but I only own the second edition).
So I would like to know your intents about this book. Will you buy it for sure ? Will you prefer another one ?
I actually don't have any books about 3D and real-time rendering which is recent. I guess that the most recent ones are real-time rendering 2nd edition and game programming gems 6... What I'm looking about is/are books about real-time GI mainly (but not only). And not books that are telling what everyone knows or can easily check on the Internet. I'm more interested about things I can learn, things that can give me ideas, things that could be applied in some near future.
Thanks for the lecture.