Question 1: Let's say when a mesh is not driven by any shaders, can I assume the only way to control the SRT is thru the fixed pipeline (SetTransform API)?
Question 2: If a mesh is transformed is extremely tiny, 0.00x scale, and is transformed by an extremely tiny matrix and I don't care the scale is correct or not anymore if I have enlarged it, and say, I want to enlarge it 1000000 times, and I want the translation part of the transformation standing out (have more effects on the mesh, so that all the submeshes don't collapse in the center of the origin), should I enlarge the transformation like
FLOAT s = 1000000.0f;
D3DXMATRIX matScale;
D3DXMatrixScaling(&matScale, s, s, s);
matWorld = matScale * matWorld;
matWorld = matWorld * matScale;
and afterwards
D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&p, &p, &matWorld);
The question is should I enlarge the mesh 1000000 times first and multiply with the tiny transformation again or concatenate the matrices (multiply the scale matrix with the tiny matrix) and apply to the positions?