Hi programmers,
I have this problem in DirectX 12.
I have one thread that runs a compute shader in a loop. This compute shader generates a 2d image in a buffer (D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT, D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_UNORDERED_ACCESS). The buffer gets updated, say, a hundred times a second.
In the main thread, I copy this buffer to the back buffer of the swap chain when WM_PAINT is called. WM_PAINT keeps getting called because I never do the BeginPaint/Endpaint. For this copy operation I use a graphical CommandQueue/CommandList. Here's the pseudo-code for this paint operation:
... reset CommandQueue/CommandList
commandlist->CopyTextureRegion(back_buffer, 0, 0, 0, computed_buffer, nullptr);
commandlist->ResourceBarrier( back_buffer, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_COPY_DEST, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_PRESENT));
... execute CommandList and wait for finish using fence
... swapchain->Present(..)
I use a good old CriticalSection to make sure the compute CommandList and the graphical CommandList don't run at the same time.
When I start the program this runs fine in a normal window. I see the procedurally generated buffer animated in real time. However, when I switch to full screen (and resize the swapchain), nothing gets rendered. The screen stays black. When I leave fullscreen (again resize swapchain), same problem. The screen just stays black. Other than that the application runs stable. No directX warnings in the debug output, no nothing. I checked that the WM_PAINT messages keep coming and I checked that the compute thread keeps computing.
Note that I don't do anything else with the graphical commandlist. I set no pipeline, or root signature because I have no 3d rendering to do. Can this be a problem?
I suppose I could retrieve the computed buffer with a readback buffer and paint it with an ordinary GDI function, but that seems silly with the data already being on the GPU.
EDIT: I ran the code on another PC and on there the window stays black right from the start. So the resizing doesn't seem to be the problem.
Any ideas appreciated!