Hey guys, I am totally new to game dev and member here since today. I have been learning Java since 3 years now in school and have not done any bigger projects, but now i want to make the next step and start to develop a little game. Although i got a lot of ideas, i am not sure about a lot of basic game specific questions and i would appreciate it if you helped me there.
The game should be about an shift supervisor at a nuclear power plant, that has to deal with problems like replacing the fuel rods (where some complications could show up), an automated reactor shutdown or a generator on fire. I am not exactly sure how deep and real life compliant this game should be, but at least more realistic than just adjust the amount of coolant and how deep the control rods are in the water. The second problem here is that i have so many ideas that it would have more content than any game on the market and i can not decide what to include to my project.
Another point where i am not sure are the graphics (I heard that coding the game functions has prior 1 and the graphics should be done when the game functions are already working), I think 2d graphics would be easier to do, sure there are engines for 3d, but i have no experience with them and i do not instantly want to do a game with AAA graphics. Then i remembered the game X-COM: UFO Defense and i guess that type of graphic would be totally enough for my little simulator but i have no idea about the difficulty of making this (My only graphical experience is Window Builder). So there should be the control buttons and levers on the bottom of the interface, in the middle displays and the lights that you have to react to and on the upper side i would like to give a very very small and basic overview (more for your eyes than with real purposes) about your power plant where you for example can see smoke coming out of the cooling tower or a small fire burning down your transformer.
What do you think about my idea, what should i change, what do you think about my problems?
General feedback would be great as well. And no i do not want to learn C and do this in C, i want to do it with Java
And sorry if my English is not the best, it is not my mother tongue.