
GPU Raytracing

Started by December 03, 2017 07:38 PM
2 comments, last by Kavarna 7 years, 2 months ago

Hi everybody!

I am currently trying to write my own GPU Raytracer. 

I am using DirectX 11 and Compute Shader.

Here is what I've tried so far: 



#include "RayTracingHeader.hlsli"

SamplerState gWrapSampler : register(s0);
TextureCube gObjBackground : register(t0); // Not used right now
RWTexture2D<float4> gResult : register(u0);

cbuffer cbCamera : register(b0)
    Camera gCamera;

cbuffer cbGeneralInfo : register(b1)
    uint gWidth;
    uint gHeight;
    uint gMaxRecursion; // Not used right now
    float gRayMaxLength;

[numthreads(32, 32, 1)]
void main( uint3 DTid : SV_DispatchThreadID,
			uint3 GroupID : SV_GroupThreadID )
    gResult[DTid.xy] = float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
    float u = (float) DTid.x / (float) gWidth;
    float v = (float) DTid.y / (float) gHeight;

    float4 currentRayDirection = gCamera.TopLeftCorner + u * (gCamera.TopRightCorner - gCamera.TopLeftCorner)
										+ v * (gCamera.BottomLeftCorner - gCamera.TopLeftCorner);
    currentRayDirection.w = 0.0f;
    currentRayDirection = normalize(currentRayDirection);
    Ray r;
    r.Origin =;
    r.Direction =;
    r.length = gRayMaxLength;

    Sphere s1;
    s1.Position = float3(0, 0, 10);
    s1.Radius = 1;
    if (s1.Intersect(r))
        float4 reflectedColor = float4(1, 0, 0, 1);
		gResult[DTid.xy] = reflectedColor;





class Camera
    float4 CamPosition;
    float4 TopLeftCorner;
    float4 TopRightCorner;
    float4 BottomLeftCorner;

class Ray
    float3 Origin;
    float3 Direction;
    float length;

class Sphere
    float3 Position;
    float Radius;
    bool Intersect(Ray r)
        float3 OriginToSphere = Position - r.Origin;
        float projection = dot(OriginToSphere, r.Direction);
        float3 distanceVector = OriginToSphere - projection * r.Direction;
        float distanceVectorLengthSQ = dot(distanceVector, distanceVector);
        float radiusSQ = Radius * Radius;
        if (distanceVectorLengthSQ > radiusSQ)
            return false;
        float newLength = projection - sqrt(radiusSQ - distanceVectorLengthSQ);
        if (newLength < 0.0f || newLength > r.length)
            return false;

        r.length = newLength;

        return true;



But the result is not what I expected.

For example, the sphere is located at (0,0,10) with radius 1, but this is the result when CamPos is 4.5, which I think is wrong.

Also, for some reason, when I rotate the camera, the sphere expands.

Anyone could give me some pieces of advice, please? 

Are TopLeftCorner, BottomLeftCorner, and TopRightCorner relative to the camera origin? or are they the positions in the 3d world? If they are the location in the 3d world, you'll have to subtract CamPosition from currentRayDirection

34 minutes ago, iedoc said:

Are TopLeftCorner, BottomLeftCorner, and TopRightCorner relative to the camera origin? or are they the positions in the 3d world? If they are the location in the 3d world, you'll have to subtract CamPosition from currentRayDirection

They are location in 3d world.

I took your advice, it worked. Thank you very very very much!

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