In DirectX 9 I would use this input layout:
with this vertex shader slot:
float4 Position : POSITION0
That is, I would use the vertex buffer format SHORT4 for corresponding float4 in the shader and everything would work great.
In DirectX 12 this does not work. When I use the format DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT with float4 in the shader, I get all zeros in the shader.
If I use int4 in the shader instead of float4, I get numbers in the shader but they are messed up. I can't figure out exactly what is wrong with them because I can't see them. The shader debugger of visual studio keeps crashing.
The debugger layer does not say anything when I use int4, but it gives a warning when I use float4.
How can I use the R16G16B16A16_SINT input layout?