On 11/3/2017 at 3:39 AM, TobyTheRandom said:
Dear all game developer out there,
Should I learn C++ or C# first before getting my hands dirty with any game engines because I saw a lot of posts talking about how these two computer languages (object-oriented language) is quite useful for making games. And where can I learn it step by step as a complete beginner
Thank you
I would suggest to start with C++. It might take longer to get results, but it might also teach you a bit more about the 'behind the scenes'.
Once you know one language, jumping to another gets easier (and incrementally easier with each successive change as you start thinking in terms of how this language is a bit like language A using some concepts of language B with a syntax that feels like language C).
That being said, I abide by the rule that it's better to 'start somewhere', so either works.
OOP in and of itself is a mindset. You could start making C++ and C# and break pretty much every precept of OOP, so make sure you teach yourself about that as well, not jut syntax and script.