I'm actually making a C framework with OpenGL and GLFW. So, here are my cents.
2 minutes ago, AyeRonTarpas said:
SDL or GLFW; was thinking about SDL since i do some research on it where it is catching my interest but i hear SDL is a huge package compared to GLFW, so i may do GLFW to start with as learning since i may get overwhelmed with SDL.
SDL is a larger library compared with GLFW. It isn't big to the point that will make you "overwhelmed", though. If your game engine will be exclusively 2D, it's a doable option. But, if you want something for 3D, too, then SDL is in my opinion a "waste", since some of its features are dedicated for 2D. It wouldn't impede you from making a 3D engine, but there would be that "waste" of unused features. That said, GLFW is cleaner for doing a single job.
2 minutes ago, AyeRonTarpas said:
Knowing what we want in the engine what should our main focus be in terms of learning.
Is you engine going to manage all assets? Textures, scenes, camera, meshes, animation, shaders/material? You can go with two options, let the engine manage these assets and be responsible for creating and destroying them, or give more power to the user and let the user decide the life time of assets. There's a trade-off here, which is the more power the user have, the more they have to write their own implementations.
How much of OpenGL you two know? If not much, start with "modern" OpenGL (a.k.a. OpenGL with shaders). Don't go with fixed function pipeline (old style OpenGL). OpenGL version 3.3 is a good candidate as I mentioned in other thread:
Also, how much of OpenGL you will wrap? You certainly will wrap to a degree, since functions to create/delete textures/framebuffers/shaders/VBOs/VAOs will have to use OpenGL.
File managements, with headers, functions ect. How can i properly manage files with out confusing myself and my friend when sharing code.
For each type off asset, have a header (.h/.hpp) and a source (.c/.cpp). Then having a central header (myengine.h/pp) that include the header of the types. If this is a possibility, it helps for who uses your engine to include only a single header.
Use git for version control. There are several workflows to work with git (for example: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/). Some might be too complex for a team of 2 people. Check what works better for you. You will probably make mistakes with your workflow, so just start using it and learn the best approach for you early.
14 minutes ago, AyeRonTarpas said:
Alternative to Visual studios: My friend has a mac and cant properly use Vis studios, is there another alternative to it?
He can use clang or gcc with some editor (Atom is a nice one with good integrations). I don't use Visual Studio (Linux), but it seems like it has support for CMake since 2016. Couldn't you use the CMake instead and make the work with the two platforms easier?