I've never really been a "Unity guy", since all of my game-dev learning happened in C++, and in other engines, but I recently discovered the "complete projects" section in the asset store. It's full up on projects you can buy that are billed as "ready to customize and release", with full ad integration. Some of them claim to be for educational purposes, but why would you include a complete, polished, full featured game with ads as an educational example?
This leads me to the question of why this goes by unchallenged? Does Unity and the environment of the Unity Store actively encourage this style of game development? Is the problem of asset flipping our own fault? I don't mean this as a "we should make Unity shut this down" kind of thread, but rather just to examine whether or not the environment of being able to just buy whole games or pieces of games is something that damages the industry. I get why Unity would allow it, and I'm sure it's a working business model for some people- and maybe some people DO actually just use these to learn from, but I'm not that naive as to think that there aren't people who recognize this as one of the shortest paths to putting a game on the market so they can cash in.