I've had a Google around for this but haven't yet found some solid advice. There is a lot of "it depends", but I'm not sure on what.
My question is what's a good rule of thumb to follow when it comes to creating/using VBOs & VAOs? As in, when should I use multiple or when should I not? My understanding so far is that if I need a new VBO, then I need a new VAO. So when it comes to rendering multiple objects I can either:
* make lots of VAO/VBO pairs and flip through them to render different objects, or
* make one big VBO and jump around its memory to render different objects.
I also understand that if I need to render objects with different vertex attributes, then a new VAO is necessary in this case.
If that "it depends" really is quite variable, what's best for a beginner with OpenGL, assuming that better approaches can be learnt later with better understanding?