Im doing a turnbased strategy game set in the near future. Similarily to "Total War"-series, the player takes command of an empire and controls cities and trains armies. The game plays out on a world map with other empires trying to dominate the world and conquer cities.
I want to include WMDs and here are some ideas I like to have feedback on! There is "research" in the form of discrete "inventions" that unlock buildings/units and/or gives bonuses. The three branches of WMD will probably have some Tech tree connected to it so an empire can focus on one but not another and so on.
All WMD will target cities, armies moving around cannot be targetd.
Deploy with missiles (from cities or from submarines)
Large damage on armies, population and buildings
Most expensive of the three.
Fallout stay and makes the city less liveable/productive?
Deploy with missiles (from cities) or by agents (chance of not detected who released the WMD)
Some damage on armies, large damage on population
Can spread to other cities ("plague" mechanism)
Slow, lasting effect on population decrease
Deploy like biological.
Some damage on armies, large (largest of all three?) damage on population
Cannot spread. Immidate loss of population but no lasting effect (a single turn is 3 months so no effect "after that").
What do you think of this basic ideas? Can they be made even more distinct from each other? (right now only nuclear affect buildings for example). I could also skip one of them (chemical seems the least interesting).