
Nobody Wants A Cybergod?

Started by August 05, 2017 04:31 PM
81 comments, last by Kylotan 7 years, 5 months ago
5 hours ago, Kavik Kang said:

And I have shown you 14 inter-woven games on my blog...

No, you haven't. You've talked a lot about the games, and most of it has actually been bits of story and songs which probably don't mean the same thing to you as to other people (because enjoyment of music is subjective) no matter how much they've tried to understand your rambling. You've given us a lot of history about FSB that doesn't actually help us to judge your skills.

The games you've actually given us? 10 years ago you gave us a poorly written and disorganises 'design document' for Pirate Dawn. More recently you gave us a design for Armageddon Chess, claiming it would be revolutionary, but then backing down to "it's only a rough prototype" when you got feedback that it wasn't very fun.

So you've arguably given us two games, and with only one playable (and that taking a lot of work) I'd argue only one.

So I say again, where are the complete, polished, playable games showing your work? Rambling about 14 (I thought it was 10 or 12?) games with no depth to the information just doesn't count, any unskilled kid could do that. 

- Jason Astle-Adams

1 hour ago, Kavik Kang said:

One of the most complex subjects within this body of knowledge is what we call “The Kaufman Retrograde”

See, this was almost interesting, you promised to show some of your design knowledge, and you started to talk about something interesting. You described the basics, and while you admit that the basic principle is so obvious we would be foolish to miss it, you claim to understand deep implications that we're missing. I don't know about everyone else, but I was actually really interested to see what you had to say...

...and then you just stopped. You didn't describe those implications, you jyst described the basic premise, claimed to have deep knowledge, and moved on to talking about how far behind 'we' are.

Really disappointing. It's like an introduction with no essay or conclusion. Why don't you actually describe some of the implications we don't understand? Stop wasting words telling us how much we don't understand, and actually explain something to us. I promise people would be interested if you can actually do it, and then you would have something you can point to that verifiably shows you have at least some of the talent you claim. 

- Jason Astle-Adams


After a short period of some good discussion, we seem to have circled back into the territory of telling all game developers that we have no idea what we're doing. As such, it's time this particular thread was closed. I would encourage any future discussion of this topic to be preceded by some sincere reflection upon the advice given in this thread, so that we don't end up just retreading the same ground.

This topic is closed to new replies.
