On 8/5/2017 at 9:31 AM, Kavik Kang said:
Maybe I should sign up, sleep through all of the “classes” so as not to be corrupted by any of their bad elementary school-level of advice, and then try again!
This will just cause you to fail the class, which you will blame on the teachers, school, and classmates instead of your behavior. Don't bother.
The only explanation of this that I can think of is that you don't know enough about game design to recognize that Rube is literally the “Holy Grail” of simulation design.
You share so little of the actual fundamentals of your ideas that it's impossible for us to evaluate them. You share so much tangential ramblings as to bury what little you have shared. Of course nobody can sanely evaluate that the ideas of Rube is anything worth their time. At best they might try to extrapolate from the metaramblings about and around the ideas of Rube.
the blog I put up is over 500 pages! Amazing, isn't it?
"I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time."
Between this and your attitude, you're a poor communicator here, either by choice, skill, or both. You manage to gain a little attention with it, but largely the negative kind - little proper interest. I'm baffled by your supposed board game bonafides - isn't this the antithesis of a good rule set? Short and concise where possible makes things easier to pick up and quicker to play. Complexity must earn it's keep in fun or interest, or be cut.
On the pen and paper side - sure, my library has thousands of pages of GURPS books alone - covering lore, worldbuilding, settings, mechanics, etcetera. But these are meticulously organized, divided into books, cross referenced, and edited down to their essential contents, organized into compelling themes, indexed, summarized. None of them ramble on about the affronts of the publishing industry against them, unless we somehow count the secret service raid on Steve Jackson Games way back when over the GURPS Cyberpunk series - ironically topical to the contents of the book. And GURPS Lite is enough to get you started, at 32 pages. For an entire game. The other thousands of pages in my library? Optional extra fluff to keep things going once you've already started. By stark contrast, in the decade since you've started posting here, you've started to... more consistently use paragraphs. Which, don't get me wrong, I appreciate, but isn't quite enough.
It's frustrating to see you squandering your potential like this. Here we are, getting to make games, enjoying the creative process, seeing our creations come to fruition. There you are, blinded by ideas that shine more brilliant than the sun in your eyes, struggling to execute on them or get others to, trapped by your own nature, your own behavior, unable to see the way forward, only able to see your ideas, labeling large chunks of your life a "waste" a decade later:
Don't waste your entire life like I did on, when it comes to simulation design anyway, this completely incompetent group of people.
You're clearly frustrated too. That sucks. Nearly everything has already been said by those better than I at communicating the way forward, however. No sense generating another 500 pages retreading where we've been.
So, this really is for real, then? My entire life was wasted because none of you actually know what you are talking about?
Close - none of us actually know what you are talking about (and even if we did, it'd be no guarantee of our interest.) Learn to communicate your ideas to mere mortals, build your ideas using mere mortal means, pivot to something that will use your ideas in different mere mortal ways, or accept that your ideas are in fact a waste. Fool's gold blinding you from action and building things. Take some goddamn responsibility for your own life and what you can do with it instead of blaming some strangers on the internet for their lack of having done things with it for you. If your entire life is wasted, that is because of you.
If you pivot - maybe fiction. Nanowrimo? You clearly like to write. You have imagination, and love metaphor to the point of it being a problem in design and technical discussions. You love language charged with your own meanings and vocabulary - again, problematic, when the rest of us being on a completely different wavelength where your terms already had very different definitions at times. Science fantasy can get away with not making technical sense to the reader, although plot and narrative structure will be important things to learn. You may end up screaming bloody murder when an editor gets their hands on your work. Learn to accept this when they are perhaps "ruining" your work.
If you don't pivot or abandon your ideas, you must learn to communicate on design and technical topics better. The most genius and experienced among us will go entirely to waste if they cannot communicate. And are they truly genius if they cannot learn this? And even a fool can be a valuable member of a team if they can communicate.
My apologies for not taking the time to make this shorter. And good luck. I mean it.