Yes, you take a complicated and nuanced argument and slap a clickbait headline on it and pretend that represents a sizable opinion.
It seems two realities are possible here: Either multiple outlets with a track record of YEARS of such postings are floating fringe opinions not shared by their readership, or you-- in partisan fashion-- are refusing to accept criticism of an ideology which you support.
According to Alexa, most of the sources I've cited are within the top 1000 most popular websites in the US. Buzzfeed ranks 50th. The Washington Post ranks 40th.
Occam's Razor: Which is more likely, that these outlets profit from writing things their readership supports and agrees with or that they publish unpopular, fringe opinions few agree with yet still somehow remain both popular and profitable? If you look at this soberly, you will be forced to acknowledge that the "ignore it, it's just clickbait" excuse for article after article, website after webiste is rather silly.
Or take some other idiot who has already done this (whether they believe it or are straw-man attacking it), and hold them up as if they represent a sizable group of people.
#NotAll you mean?
Everything you've posted here just screams "I don't care to understand any kind of complex and rational argument, I just want to simplify your position until it sounds dumb"
Another possibility: I do understand the arguments and reject their core premises in favor of a far more inclusive and foundational world view (and have nothing but scorn for the pretzel logic of justifications on the Left and Right which excuses not treating ALL people equally, regardless of race/creed/color/faith/etc)
When you do this, when you simplify a nuanced argument to the point of it become extremist nonsense and then laugh at it, you are being dismissive of the original argument. You are dismissing well thought out logical reasoning without ever having trying to understand it. That is an incredibly offensive thing to do to someone.
The dustbin of history is filled with elaborately reasoned, nuanced ideologies which did not stand the test of time (despite their proponents being convinced they were on 'the right side of history.') I'm sure Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx would be incredibly offended by the criticism and ridicule heaped on communism, for instance.
We should be more interested in what is true and what reflects the way we wish to live than who is offended when a social theory is criticized.
And seeing that you're not aware what it is that you're dismissing, you don't even know how completely stupid you sound to some people, or even who you're insulting.
You assume that I am not aware, that I care about whether or not ideologues regard me as intelligent and that I give one whit about their feelings. This is not the case. I am interested in core principles which foster equality. The philosophy you are defending ostensibly claims to do this yet suffers from an ideological and moral rot which its proponents refuse to confront.
It is the height of hubris to engage in such sweeping arrogant review of people's honest attempt at improving the state of the world.
Fascinating how this mirrors the "high and mighty liberal elites" argument the Right deflects criticism with. I'm sure that they want to honestly improve the state of the world as well. Both will fail because both are tribal, both invite abuse and neither inspire the vast majority of us to the angels of our better nature.
If you were really a moderate centrist you'd use some good faith and assume that there are rational, deep, nuanced arguments beneath all those bullshit simplifications and try to understand the actual, sane arguments that academics on both sides are putting forth...
You cannot create a fairminded, egalitarian society which upholds equality of opportunity among its highest values by promoting bigotry of any kind. You cannot create good by doing evil. It just doesn't work. You inspire backlash, you polarize and mire the society and you abandon any core principles in the never ending pursuit of transitory political victory. The US is already experiencing this and the result is ideological silos, divergent realities and ever deepening conflict and rising approval of political violence.
There is no more greater moral clarion call to equality which inspires human beings than one which applies universally. The return of elaborately reasoned segregation, tacit approval of discrimination in employment based on race and gender and groupthink which silences dissent by forever claiming to be offended are all the rising result of these so-called 'sane' arguments. Thanks but no thanks!
I interpreted the post as saying "avoid the subset of obviously bullshit bullshit present within the Left and Right". Which to me is a perfectly sensible strategy.
From your reaction, I believe you must have interpreted the post as "let's dismiss the ENTIRE Left and Right as bullshit just because some of it is." which is not what I sensed from the post at all.
Yep. As I said in my original post: "The Right is sometimes right. The Left is sometimes right. But when both abandon principles in favor of tribalism and preach "my side right no matter what" they are both wrong."