I want my object to rotate between two angles in relation to speed and it doesn't need to be a smooth rotation, how can I achieve that?
Thank you in advance.
I want my object to rotate between two angles in relation to speed and it doesn't need to be a smooth rotation, how can I achieve that?
Thank you in advance.
float normalizedSpeed = actualSpeed / kMaximumSpeedForSpeedometer;
if (normalizedSpeed < 0.0f) // You can also use Mathf.clamp if you want.
normalizedSpeed = 0.0f;
else if (normalizedSpeed > 1.0f)
normalizedSpeed = 1.0f;
float angleForSpeedometer = normalizedSpeed * (maximumAngle - minimumAngle) + minimumAngle;
// set the speedometer needle's transform rotation using this angle.
// see: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Transform-rotation.html
// or: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Transform-eulerAngles.html
maximumAngle is a rotation angle that you specify for the top-speed of the needle. minimumAngle is the same thing but for the zero-speed angle.