17 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:
Which is more or less par for the course for radicals on both sides, especially in the US. tinfoil hatters, left and right.
No doubt the whole typical course of action for radicalism is to do what Trump is doing. That isn't a good thing, no matter who you are.
17 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:
Now, should the POTUS maybe distance himself a LITTLE bit from such tinfoil hattery, and maybe react differently when he gets attacked (which EVERY president gets, so while Trump isn't wrong that some of the left media also doesn't really brake for him, the same was true with Fox news and Obama)? Yes. But then, that is the unique selling point that brought him into office IMO. As long as he stirs up the establishment, talks like a drunken sailor, and doesn't make the most dumbest of mistakes (like starting WW3), even some of the more moderate Trump voters will be pleased short term.
Sure, some media sources are fairly well known for being far left (MSNBC does have a reputation for being really liberal, but there's lots of interesting articles about how liberal each outlet is). There is no such thing as unbiased reporting, since by nature of being human, everyone is somewhat biased. But let's get real, even if we account for all of this, surely not every single critical media outlet has some hidden agenda again you? And again, damnit, he's the President of the US, he's going to be criticized, that is how it works. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, Carter, Nixon, LBJ, Kennedy, Eisenhower, FDR, etc. were all criticized. Presidents do not throw tantrums on Twitter. And he's taking it quite a step further: basically he's a divider, not a uniter. He ran on a platform that played on hatred, fear, etc., and this is what voters wanted to see.
17 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:
They didn't vote FOR Trump. They voted AGAINST hillary. They voted against political correctness, and progress. They got what they asked for.
No doubt, this is true. 100% this is true.
18 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:
I am not so sure they will be just as happy with his longterm achievements. But that might still take a year or two until this kind of "voters remorse" kicks in.
I can honestly see him getting reelected, barring that he doesn't get impeached before then. So it's hard to say if there will ever really be a voter's remorse. Sure, there's a ton of unknown factors. What will the Democrats do in 2020. What will the country be like in 2020. Trump getting impeached, or some other scandal derailing him. We really don't know. I don't know about the Russia probe either. But I wouldn't be too surprised if he got reelected. I'd probably be very disappointed (unless he really really proves me wrong, and given everything so far, I really doubt that's going to happen), but not necessarily surprised.
17 hours ago, ferrous said:
Trying to threaten China with a full trade embargo is like trying to threaten that you'll cut off your own legs. Embargoing China would destroy the US economy.
Fighting a trade war with China will not end well for anyone. First of all, a trade embargo will almost certainly cause massive problems for American companies. Number one, the US imports quite a bit from China for very cheap. Number two, China is a massive market for US exports. Finally, number three, China will retaliate in kind. So the effect is indeed catastrophic. Threatening China with a trade embargo assumes that they won't retaliate in kind. Imagine if they dumped their foreign reserves (certainly there'd be no reason not to at that point).
China could very well call that bluff, because we'd be damn well bluffing as well. And the only thing that this will do is raise tensions with the Chinese. That sort of thing can come back to bite us 10-15 years down the road. Imagine once the Chinese have the capability to stare us down (and at the rate they are going, they will get it). They won't forget this incident. This solution solves a short term problem in favor of creating a long term one.
There's this, and then there's just the fact that bullying China won't lead to anything good. You think the Chinese would just roll over and be like "oh well, we'll just bend over and take this". It's not about North Korea, it's also a symbol. The Chinese wouldn't want to look weak. How will it look to any other nation they're telling "we'll protect you" and those guys will be like "like you did with North Korea? Yea, we'll go somewhere else, thanks". There's also the fact that internally, the Chinese premier, Xi Jinping, would not want to look weak either, or he risks losing power.
And what makes you think that the Chinese don't secretly approve of Kim Jong Un's tests? I'll bet they probably do. Most likely they want to see what Trump will do, so they're secretly telling Kim Jong Un "go for it buddy!".
And have we not learned from our adventurism in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc. that this doesn't usually work? How many more places must we completely screw up before we learn that this probably won't work? This isn't to say Kim Jong Un is a great person, but neither was Gaddaffi, Saddam Hussein, etc, and those places are just doing terribly now. ISIS came about because of this sort of stuff. Do we really want some sort of Korea equivalent of ISIS? It's not a literal example I'm making, but do we really need more instability from military action?
And finally, the biggest loser of any military action in North Korea will be South Korea. Think about how much they stand to lose in a military action. South Korea doesn't want military action precisely for that reason. That doesn't even begin to take into account Japan, also potentially in the range of military troubles.
I haven't presented a solution, and the main reason is that there's no simple solution. It's a complex problem. Complex problems have never had simple solutions. If there were a simple solution, it would've been taken years ago. Probably the best bet is to beef up missile defense systems in the area. That and work internally in NK to create a collapse in the government. Even that second part, I'm skeptical about.