
Trump and Russia (take 2)

Started by March 29, 2017 05:12 PM
107 comments, last by cowsarenotevil 7 years, 1 month ago

Honestly, we have a problem of communication here - as someone from a small European country(Greece), I can't get into the mindset of a citizen who, when he sees trouble in other sides of the globe, asks himself "what should our military do". This is the mindset of a citizen who thinks his country, due to its outstanding moral fibre apparently, owes it to the world to take the burden of "world police". It's totally alien to me(since Greece couldn't obviously play that role even if it wanted to), so we kinda have a rift of how we're seeing things here.

Don't get this wrong, but the part in emphasis made me laugh. That's a statement from someone living in a small EU country having a military budget rivalling the largest, and being high up in the top-ten worldwide on weapon imports. A country which, despite being bankrupt, and after having cut down by the creditors, proportionally still spends twice as much of its national economic output for military than the average European country. No offense. :lol:

Yep. We're a small poor country that spends way too much on its military, due to the constant tensions with Turkey, resulting in cutbacks to things that would actually benefit the population, like education and healthcare.

An imperialist power, though, we are not.

And, like you said, if we cutback on our military budgets(which a lot of us are asking to do), that would make the people selling us the weapons(US, France and Germany) pretty "sad".

23 Tomahawks on 59? What good aim..

If you believe Russian news media, sure. I don't.

I do not believe both side..

"Recursion is the first step towards madness." - "Skegg?ld, Skálm?ld, Skildir ro Klofnir!"
Direct3D 12 quick reference:
So apparently NATO is no longer obsolete.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

The priest survived the shooting and was back to work giving sermons 2 days after it, and Kyle's attorney isn't trying to get the case thrown out because of insanity incompetence. Makes you wonder what the odds are for a normal human to survive something like that, compared to a shapeshifting alien from mars.

Yeah, the human surviving 6 shoots here totally has the low odds here. How about:

1) What are the odds of alien, humanoid intelligent lifeforms actually existing, let alone inside our solar system?

2) What are the odds of said aliens having the biological or technological means of actually shapeshifting? We're not in a sci-fi moving, and any such technology has to comply with the laws of nature, and shapeshifting isn't nowhere near plausible.

3) What are the odds of a fricking alien surviving 6 shots, one to the head, compared to a regular human being? Again, we're not in a sci-fi movie and aliens, so they existed, aren't some sort of mythical bullet-sponge to make space-marines look useless. If actual humanoid aliens existed, they'd havbe stuff like vital internal organs just like us, and unless their brain were in their arse, chances are a shot in the head would kill them too.

But yeah, a human cannot possible survive 6 shots, so it has to be shapeshifting, superhuman aliens, thats much more likely. Yikes.

So, Comey got fired. Rather shocking tbh.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Is this Jeopardy?!

What is examples of politicians being corrupted, failing to take responsibility for their actions, passing the buck to someone else, and grounds for impeachment?


Dump dumb Trump.

Well we've got a ton going on, and while this may lead to some off topic stuff, how do those of you still firmly behind Trump justify any of this? And I don't mean just Russia at this point, I mean literally any of it? Is there any point where this has gone too far, or does it not exist?

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

So lately I've noticed that the betting markets are pretty consistently giving more than a 30% chance that Trump will be gone by 2018 or 2019 (quite a bit before the next presidential election).

That doesn't mean anything in particular, but I thought it was a fairly striking milestone; it suggests that it's now more likely that Trump will leave office early than it was for him to be elected in the first place.

-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
12 hours ago, cowsarenotevil said:

So lately I've noticed that the betting markets are pretty consistently giving more than a 30% chance that Trump will be gone by 2018 or 2019 (quite a bit before the next presidential election).

That doesn't mean anything in particular, but I thought it was a fairly striking milestone; it suggests that it's now more likely that Trump will leave office early than it was for him to be elected in the first place.

That's interesting for sure. I've always been in two minds about these sort of things. If we remember the original predictions on the election, most people were saying that Trump will lose. Many see this as a failure on the so called prediction industry. Imo, people forget that FiveThirtyEight, the main reputable prediction model out there, gave trump about a 1 in 3 chance, which is pretty damned big chance. 

So in short, it's certainly a distinct possibility at this point. I'm sure people will look back, 15, 20 years from now and be like "of course that was going to happen! How did they not see it?".

Whether he'll be gone or not, there's certainly been quite a bit of developments these past few weeks, especially with regards to Russia. 

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

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