
Trump and Russia (take 2)

Started by March 29, 2017 05:12 PM
107 comments, last by cowsarenotevil 7 years, 1 month ago

You never asked yourself how some random arab guy who can barely write his name managed to capture an airplane and crash it... not just in the world trade center, but right into the Pentagon? Seriously? Right into the most secured building in the country, flying through the probably most paranoia controlled airspace in the world with F18s in the air at all times? Come on, you never wondered how that could have happened?

The guy was a certified commercial pilot, having got his FAA license in US. He probably was no Maverick(or Goose for that matter),
but I'm sure he could write down his own name and manage to crush a plane. :)

Unlikely? Maybe. Impossible? Not with what US agencies have done in the past. I'm not saying this is exactly what happened. But I'm saying it is too easy to do away with the possibility just because the idea seems nuts at casual inspection.

Those kind of ideas are done away not because of how it seems on casual inspection, but because it is not proven. Whats your reason for even debating this idea? From what I can see you have 1) an observed correlation and 2) its not impossible.

Both aren't good arguments. Correlation != causality. So Trump saying something false, and that thing happening two month after doesn't say anything. Its like if I fill out the lottery ticket with the correct numbers - do you just jump to the conclusion that I eigther actually knew the numbers, or manipulated the lottery? No, that would be silly. Actually, Trump claiming something was happening in any part of europe at the best points towards "educated" guess - by whats happening around the world, even throughout europe the last months, its not hard to get that wrong, given that sweden appearently has some sort of immigration problem as well.

The second points, its not impossible - that is a worthless argument right there. Its hard to prove that something is absolutely impossible - for all we know, the world leaders might as well be reptilian folk, its not totally out of question. But what does that say? What does that prove? Absolutely nothing.

The burden of proove is up to the one who makes the claim, not the others to cast it aside. If you want that stuff to be taken seriously, you need to have evidence for that exact theory. Trump saying something, and it happening two months later is no evidence. The fact that it is not impossible is no evidence eigther. There actually is a good documented list of what the USA/CIA have done akin to what you are claiming backed up by evidence, sure, and that list will probably be added a few more points after the fact. But until that happens, you cannot just blame anything on the CIA.

;TL;DR: Without evidence, you're just making stuff up on your own, and thats why its so easy to do away with.


Just keep in mind, when I say "masses", I don't mean "a bunch of mindless sheeple". Just the average working person.As an outsider, I was still reading and watching a lot of US liberal "pundits" and I was always left with the question : "who the hell are they addressing? Who is this message for?"Like really, most of them were writing in a way that would only convince only those that were already convinced anyway.What's the point in that? Are you trying to convince people to come to your side, by providing an incentive for them to do so, by connecting with them, by mobilizing them,or are you patting yourself in the back for the amazing achievement of watching John Oliver and voting Democrat(big freaking whoop),and claiming anyone that would vote for Trump or a 3rd party would be the most horrible person ever? After the elections, I was reading liberal "thinkpieces" like this gem: : This is not a guy defending Trump, for those that would be confused. This is a guy that lost his job because he advocated actual action against Trump instead of just smug jokes). keep in mind, that maybe you didn't lost to Trump, or to "The Russians", but you lost due to a lot of people not even botheringto go vote, because they didn't see any difference between Clinton and Trump. Obama managed to mobilize peoplewith his message of "Hope" and "Yes we can" and won 2 terms. Clinton's message OTOH was terribly weak. The turnout in Obama's first electionwas 62% and he won 53% of that. The turnout of 2016 was 55% and Clinton won 48%. Has there been any self-criticism fromthe side of the Democrats about that, or is it all about Russians?I understand of course that as an American you care whether a foreign power interferes in your elections,but you should probably understand that, yes, the rest of the world is affected a lot by what happens in the US,but really we don't care much about your internal squabbles.Especially since USA itself historically interferes with the affairs of other sovereign nations all the time.Anyway, let's relax with a little song :)

(also, wth is it with the formatting of the post, I just can't get it right) :P

(Damn I hate iPad formatting)

Don't get me wrong either. I totally understand your sentiment towards liberal elites and that the us has done plenty of meddling in other elections too. To the first, I'm the first to say that Hillary was a terrible choice. To the second, I believe that it's just as wrong to do that. I personally don't believe in such action, and while that is fairly meaningless, I do understand why many wouldn't give two shits if that happens to the US.

I don't personally call myself a Democrat, nor am I registered as a Dem. I'll gladly vote Republican if (tho to be fair, I'm not holding my breath) they bring some sane candidate. I'm not a blind Democrat follower. I'm as utterly lost as many are about why Hillary was chosen to begin with, as opposed to other, potentially better candidates.

Now that being said, my only point is that Hillary lost because of a combination of reasons, where no one particular reason was responsible on its own for tipping the election. People sat at home rather than vote. No question about that. Why though? Hillary seemed that bad to people? Partially, yes. There's no question about that. We'd been seeing the out of touch part for a while, especially in the Rust Belt. Obama was a much better candidate because of his message. Now the other aspect is that there were a variety of things going on, including this Russian thing. Now we can't measure the impact of it.

Your point is that Hillary herself was enough to lose the election. I'm saying that while Hillary was pretty terrible, there are also other factors to consider as well, whose impact cannot be measured completely.

Turnout was certainly lower, but Trump still didn't win by a landslide. The Democrats may have lost touch, but not with masses, but with a certain segment of people who are very crucial to winning key states.

We agree on a lot of things mikeman, I hope I don't sound angry or anything. I'm just trying to point out some things which I think might be a bit off.

@samoth, it's not impossible, but it's the kind of thing that cannot and will not stay secret for long. It'd be too damned complicated to keep a secret. As mikeman pointed out, it's not that tough or outlandish for an Arab dude to get an FAA license. It's not super far fetched.

Anyhow, it seems that none of the cruise missiles hit the runway. I feel like that if you're trying to knock out an AFB, the runway is sort of important, amiright?

EDIT: Juliean seems to be on point imo.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

I don't personally call myself a Democrat, nor am I registered as a Dem. I'll gladly vote Republican if (tho to be fair, I'm not holding my breath) they bring some sane candidate.

Well, I hope you realize my...calculated scheme of making you despair of Democrats isn't to shift you towards Republicans, lol. :P

I don't personally call myself a Democrat, nor am I registered as a Dem. I'll gladly vote Republican if (tho to be fair, I'm not holding my breath) they bring some sane candidate.

Well, I hope you realize my...calculated scheme of making you despair of Democrats isn't to shift you towards Republicans, lol. :P

Haha, I was convinced that was your goal! And here I thought that Republicans and Socialists get along so well! :P

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Well, can you explain to me the liberal mindset when it comes to the Syria situation, cause I just don't get it.

What I hear from liberals is this :

- We lost the election because Trump and Putin are buddies.
- But Trump just bombed Putin's ally...
- Yes, but he notified Putin before he did it. guys not only want to bomb Syria, but ignite WW3 while doing it? What the hell?

Seriously, all I'm hearing here is "Hillary would have bombed Syria so much better". Liberals have somehow gone from well-meaning
but largely ineffective anti-war protesters in the 70's to trigger-happy warmongers?

The liberal mindset, at least mine anyway, is this:

  1. Trump accused for months that he and team and Cabinet were and might still be in collusion with Russia
  2. More evidence of collusion piles up and the "heat" intensifies
  3. Syria which is under significant Russian influence for one batshit moment decide to drop a chemical attack on civilians
  4. (conspiracy part(s) follow)
  5. Perfect opportunity for Trump to bomb ally and claim "i haz no collusions! i bombz 5 feet from comradez!"
  6. Everybody, once again plays "Squirrel!", gets distracted and focuses on this new Trumpism
  7. Trump missiles airbase just enough to put on a show, but not enough render it useless.
  8. Strangely Russian and Syrian aircraft are using it again 2 days later as if nothing happened
  9. Bonus effect: Allows NSA Director to flex muscles and throw out Bannon and his lackeys. Showing that Bannon doesn't run the Oval.
  10. Bonus effect 2: Nuclear option is used and Gorusch is now confirmed as S.C. Justice with not much coverage as one would expect.
  11. Bonus effect 3: Russia now won't update US on flight plans and engagement in the area.
  12. Nunes recusal after Susan Rice accusation plus Syria bombing clears way (temporarily at least) for next Trump agenda item

I don't mind the fact that he bombed Syria. But I was pretty sure the country was against that action anyway. Especially after all the shit Obama got for even trying such a thing. And if we are in fact just throwing missiles at empty lots and saying "Mission Accomplished" then what's the point? Really?

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Well, can you explain to me the liberal mindset when it comes to the Syria situation, cause I just don't get it.

What I hear from liberals is this :

- We lost the election because Trump and Putin are buddies.
- But Trump just bombed Putin's ally...
- Yes, but he notified Putin before he did it. guys not only want to bomb Syria, but ignite WW3 while doing it? What the hell?

Seriously, all I'm hearing here is "Hillary would have bombed Syria so much better". Liberals have somehow gone from well-meaning
but largely ineffective anti-war protesters in the 70's to trigger-happy warmongers?

When you don't understand who is in a party or group and who is not then it becomes easy to misunderstand what a group says.
It was clear you didn't know exactly who to classify as liberals when you said they were busy fawning over Clinton. No liberal or progressive has ever fawned over Clinton. That's just a bizarre thing to claim. She's center-left at-best, center-right when convenient, and only goes left when politically safe to do so (for example after the rest of the world has decided that black people aren't "superpredators").
Her only progressive policy as far as I recall was related to common-sense gun control—closing gun-show loopholes and not allowing no-fly people from acquiring guns. It was the right who somehow turned that into, "She's coming for our guns!!"

She's absolutely status-quo, which isn't progressive, and she is a war hawk, which isn't liberal, so it's really just bizarre that you have misunderstand that liberals are fawning over her. Anyone fawning over her is almost not liberal by definition.

So if I may simply correct you:
- We lost because Hillary Clinton:
** Worked with the establishment to undermine Sanders' campaign.
** Didn't herself get out the vote. It is her job to motivate people to vote. She didn't because she got cocky and lives in a little bubble where people around her tell her she has X state in-the-bag.
- Since moving to America I haven't kept up with the news much so I have not heard of any bombings in Syria, but just based on what I gather from your post, my thoughts are:
** Trump absolutely has a deal with Putin. We know that for a fact. But Trump's main gain from the deal is monetary. Others in his cabinet are politically motivated, monetarily motivated, and otherwise motivated here-and-there.
** But Trump is also insecure and he knows his ties to Russia are making him look bad in the eye of the public. We know how much he cares about living up to daddy's expectations—just ask him about the size of his…inauguration crowd (not to mention the size of his…ahem…hands). It's perfectly reasonable to assume he will take action against Russia starting with very small steps such as bombing an ally with a polite notification before-hand. Remember, he also has to start building a case for plausible deniability once the FBI uncovers just a few more smoking guns.

Seriously, all I'm hearing here is "Hillary would have bombed Syria so much better".

Not from liberals.

Liberals have somehow gone from well-meaning but largely ineffective anti-war protesters in the 70's to trigger-happy warmongers?

It's just you assigning the term "liberal" to the wrong people. This happens frequently when you get your idea of a liberal group based on certain news organizations trying to "smear" other news organizations simply as a means of industry competition. MSNBC isn't actually liberal, and in fact only has very rare moments of being liberal or progressive, but you may have misunderstood that they are liberal if you listen to other news programs.

Liberals used to be known for being anti-war, but with the rise of technology and the ways that both the enemy can attack and in which we can respond the position is more nuanced these days.
War should generally be avoided (especially pointless ones), but ISIS is generally considered a valid target as they are a huge source of oppression and violence, violations of other liberal positions.
Bombs have clearly not been effective and taking out civilians is never considered acceptable, so the tactics should be changed.

An example would be that if ISIS is successful at recruiting online then we should use strategies to decrease this effectiveness, such as online ads (etc.) showing how horrible life is inside ISIS.
If ISIS is able to recruit people who are disenfranchised more easily, then a strategy would be to stop disenfranchising people. Show them that America welcomes people of all backgrounds.

There may be a few liberals who are against the war on ISIS, but it is generally about how we are fighting the war. We are doing everything we can to make ISIS stronger, and it is completely stupid.
We are sending people to ISIS by creating a clear exclusionary culture, and we are raising a generation of Middle-Easterners who hate America because we bombed their innocent families.

It necessarily takes a person with a biased view to misconstrue a liberal saying, "Hillary is more qualified to be president," which is a factual statement, into, "Hillary is more qualified to bomb Syria better."
That is not what liberals said, and the fact that Hillary would continue to bomb them is exactly why liberals didn't vote for nor rally behind Hillary. But she would not have made 2 Muslim bans that both make America less safe.

The right only knows brute force and financial irresponsibility. Liberals want to fight smarter, using effective tactics that do not waste money on bombs which are mostly ineffective at harming the target and which are effective at helping the target foster hate against us and thus recruit.

L. Spiro

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So we've had 9/11 conspiracies and @[member='mikeman'] basically admitting he's trolling liberals... I think this thread is past its useful shelf life.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

So we've had 9/11 conspiracies and @[member=mikeman] basically admitting he's trolling liberals... I think this thread is past its useful shelf life.

Trolling? I'm criticizing them for their milquetoast politics, the terrible candidate they chose, and feeble campaign.

Criticism towards liberals can(and should) come from the Left too, you know. It doesn't come only from people that watch Fox.

What liberals seem to want is to keep the Empire in its place, just make it more "tolerant". That leaves me pretty unimpressed as a non-USarian socialist and anti-imperialist. If you see that as trolling...

She's absolutely status-quo, which isn't progressive, and she is a war hawk, which isn't liberal, so it's really just bizarre that you have misunderstand that liberals are fawning over her. Anyone fawning over her is almost not liberal by definition.

What is that, a no-true Scotsman argument? Liberals are what liberals do. What liberals did was choose Clinton over Sanders in the primaries, giving her a pretty easy victory by 12%.

So, is Pelosi a liberal or not?

Guy : "Are the Democrats willing to move economically more to the left, towards more populist policies/messages"?
Peloci : "No, we're capitalists. Here's how modern capitalism is hurting people though. 20 years ago it was better. I have nothing more to add".

Note : I may be overgeneralizing. Obviously quite a lot of liberals *do* want the party to move more to the left. But the Democratic Party's leaders(and remember Sanders was an independent) seem convinced staying to the centre-right is the way to go.

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