What are the graphic differences between Asian and Western playable characters in games? - And what do people with different backgrounds prefer?
This survey is made in association with a Bachelor degree project in media, aesthetics and narration with a spec. in computer game development- graphic in University of Skövde.
This survey is made for you, who is a game developer, because I need to have professional answers from the game industry for my survey. It is completely optional for you to choose to participate in this survey, you can always interrupt the survey whenever you want. The data, which is collected will be used for my Bachelor degree project, this survey is made to understand what type of game character people do prefer, and participation will be totally anonymous. The report will be published in DiVa, a system, which is administrated by the University of Skövde’s library, and it will also be published in MFS’s database, those databases are available for the general public, which means that everyone can read this report. This survey will take maximun 7 minutes to do.
Please answer my survey here:
If you have any question, please send a mail to: a14lolli@student.his.se
Thank you!!
/Lolo Lin