
Started drawing a game. Need feedback.

Started by March 10, 2017 05:30 PM
43 comments, last by krogoth.g 7 years ago

I like this a lot for a one-man indie effort.  Like a previous poster said, this is actually impressive.  I even like the art look a lot, even though I imagine all a lot of modern gamers see is an "old look", it is a very good look for this old looking style.

Stick with the Warcraft II level of simplicity, they don't make games like this anymore (not this simple) and people like simplicity.  Don't start trying to add a lot of features found in modern RTS games, stick with the "old school" design theme.  Both because you are a one-man show making an indie game AND because this appears to be on its way to becoming a great nostalgic RTS experience for a very large audience of people out there who haven't played a game like this in a long time now.

Minimalism can be a plus, when done well, and this is looking very good from that perspective.  One of the best games ever made was Avalon Hill's Acquire, and there is very little too that game.  Personally, I like what you are doing here a lot and this looks like a game I would enjoy playing.  You might look at Stardrive 2, it's a minimalist Master of Orion game that I like playing occasionally for the very reason that it is just the heart and soul of what that type of game is without all of the modern bells and whistles added on too it as if they are a checklist that all games like it must have.

I see your game as a the Stardrive 2 of Warcraft-like games... which is a good thing in my book!


"I wish that I could live it all again."

@Kavik Kang Thank you very much ! ^_^

Just spotted enemy Footmen and something that looks like a (very) early take on Town Hall:


Drawing unit's back appeared harder than front. You can see that back Footman is (obviously) worse quality than others, I am still working on getting desired look.

Not so much progress in these as I would like to have, at least I got few ideas for gameplay. Game heroes will be fun!

I have tried a lot of drawing buildings but none I have liked yet.

Result is coming next week, I hope. )


I think it looks great.  If I felt like installing Warcraft II to play it again, I'd much rather have your game.  Even though it has been many years since I played WCII, it would all come back too me and I would remember having done it all before.  Your game looks to have the same look and feel, but it would be all new.  That makes it an even better nostalgic trip through WCII than re-installing WCII would be!


"I wish that I could live it all again."

I like your game in all aspects but one, looking its a RTS game, they move to quick for my eye

@Kavik Kang Thank you, that is priority 1 task - atmosphere-bringing. There must not be much new things until there is a playable alpha-version that resembles atmosphere. There is a lot of stuff coming on top of that way beyond Warcraft II or III - that is later.

It was important to me to find though very little but appropriate music by Kevin McLeod.

It helps to feel more and add (what I consider by feelings right) stuff brick by brick, whether visual or sound content.

@zizulot Thank you, they do indeed.

Warcraft II had few speed options. There is a very high speed option amongst them that has own benefits and drawbacks. One of the benefits of fast pace is that you might like doing things fast to enjoy the game. There is also difference in experience when you watch something fast and do it yourself, as the brain accelerates. (I am expecting myself alpha-version at the end of the month)

There is a lot of stuff to do with slower action, so I do not mean that fast pace is good by itself, but I do not think that slow pace is either.

My choice was based on the interaction of my perception of action, music and mood.

On the other hand, I find it interesting to go the way of fast pace. There are not much as fast as Warcraft II modern strategies.

(StarCraft, for example, is significantly slower, but there is a lot of other control to do)

I think of it as an interesting way to go as I like the idea that you need to sacrifice some tactical decisions as moving unit from enemy fire for strategical ones like building something at the same moment (or otherwise) - all because your units move, attack, may die fast.

To make it not stressful - that shall be an accomplishment.

As from the point of viewer, there must be strategical or great tactical (such as using important ability) eye-catching decisions.


Technically, choosing different pace is no problem and looks like a good thing to have.

Does this game have a name yet?  How and where do you eventually intend to get it out there, is there a specific site you are planning on uploading it too when it is ready?  I really do want to play this when it is finished, I'd like to play a game that is Warcraft II but at the same time not Warcraft II.


"I wish that I could live it all again."


@Kavik Kang There shall be a site as the project goes to phase when there is actual something. : )

I don't think I have decent ideas for name yet. (That's probably time to come up with it though.)

I plan alpha on the end of December and the site on January.

Here and that soon I won't miss it then.  I am looking forward to playing it, it's been a very long time since I played Warcraft II.  It will make me feel 20 years younger just playing it.

"Orcs's is da' bestest!"


"I wish that I could live it all again."

There will be no orcs. ) But there are planned dwarves that can build underground. ) And will be able to explode land units with their bombs and widespread underground net. )

(Those are kind of distant plans)

And the last Footman sprite (diagonal back):


You can see a "miraculous" transition here. : D

(There is a lot of work on legs as well, they are pretty horrible, and the head on back sprite isn't right)

But now I can tab this aside a bit and take on buildings. ^_^

So we are gonna have buildings soon!

Im looking forward to your game as well, there was long time we didnt got good old school RTS game, hope yours will be awesome ;)

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