I didn't vote, as I couldn't cast a vote for any of the three clowns running. That being said, I find this whole "Russia hacked the election..." nonsense a bit irritating. Even if they did hack the DNC's servers, all they did was to release emails showing unethical and potentially illegal behavior on the part of key members of the Democratic party. What happened was wrong, but it is a lie to say that Russia hacked the election. The democrat's dirty laundry was aired and they're mad. Understandable, but let's at least talk about what happened without all of the rhetoric. The DNC was hacked, not the election, and if anyone changed their vote based on the released details, it should be a wake up call for the democrats. When you cover up wrongdoing, you will eventually be exposed. Don't blame someone else for your failing when that happens.
I disagree with this logic. Yes what the DNC did was wrong. No question. But that does not change the fact that a foreign power did try to influence the election to get a guy who they like more, who is a lunatic. This is a foreign power that does not hold the American people's interests at the highest priority. This was not some charity hack so that Americans could choose the right guy. This was a deliberate attempt to harm America, or to make America a vassal state.
What about all the wrongdoing of Trump? Plenty there. And let's assume for a moment the DNC had done nothing (just imagine for a minute). Do you really think Russians would've been like "oh well, nothing here, let's move on. They'd keep digging. They'd make shit up and make it look real. They'd plant shit there then release it. There's still a lot of shit that they can almost certainly do, but it just so happens they found compromising stuff on the DNC. I personally hope this is the last we ever see of the Clintons and that the democrats get their shit together during the midterm elections so that this lunatic and his cronies don't damage the US further.
You're also talking about Vladimir Putin, who is not a shining example of democratic values, etc and whose aims have been very much to undermine the West for a long time.
That should be concerning.