Well, "unfortunately" whole set of resources is in game :) and I agree with not adding resources just for the sake of adding so first checking if really needed (like in rubber, sole practical usage of rubber is for tires so didn't add a rubber plant or a rubber factory, instead just using oil+chemicals -> tires ) and ensuring it has multiple uses.
Reasoning behind using alloys is
- There are low , mid, high Q weapons in melee, air, land, naval. So trying to ensure high Q ones both cost a lot and needs much process while low-mid ones are rather easily accesible.
When looking,
Iron, Steel, Hardened Steel, Durable Steel, Aluminum and Titanium may seem much but there are many manufacturing options. When you enter the kingdom of Hardened Steel, Durable Steel and Titanium you already know that you manufacture either High Quality construction or weapon.
And I think it's fair to use simple explanatory names instead of fake alloys. Thanks for reply.
Btw, I know title will be a bit falsificating but for construction sector I have such draft;
Stone Quarry / Gravel Pity
Stone Quarry -> Stone
Gravel Pit -> Gravel
Stone can be crushed in mechanical crusher
Stone (Construction)
Gravel ( Gravel + Oil -> Road construction ) , Gravel -> Cement @ Cement Plant
Sand (Construction) , Sand -> Brick @ Brickworks?
Fine Sand -> Glass @ Glassworks , Fine Sand can be used for sandblasting (aka consumable at some factories)
Or a simplified version may have
Sand (Combines Sand and Fine Sand)
Once again, does it make sense and which one makes sense more? :)
Thanks in advance,