So I'm guessing everyone knows what a hero shooter is, but if not, it's something like Team Fortress or Overwatch, where players play heroes with unique abilities rather than the standardised shooter character in something like Halo.
So I had an idea (that I won't go into too much detail on, for your sake and mine) for a hero shooter with the idea that rather than pre-set heroes, people would make their own.
The idea is that when they wanted to make a new hero, they'd pick a class-type thing (as otherwise any semblance of team composition would be impossible) which would limit the equipment they could choose from based on role, and then they could choose from weapons, abilities, passive abilities, set things like health and speed (obviously there'd need to be some form of point system to balance it), and also decide the name and the appearance (using a character creation system, obviously).
Does it sound like a good idea at all? Like, obviously it would have issues (would need a lot of testing, people find ways to abuse create
able things) but I think it sounds like a cool idea. Am I just blowing smoke out of my arse?