Im doing a ww2 strategy-game with some classic nations and Im not sure about the colors. None of them uses green traditionally, which would be useful.
Unclaimed/neutral: dark grey
Nazi germany: Red (the nazi flag is very red, but still not really their military color...)
USA: dark blue
Japan: White
Britain: Green? Light blue?
Alliances are not historical so i dont want to imply britain and US is allied by giving different shades of blue. Yellow is a distinct color but seems strange to give it to one of these teams. Im slightly colorblind so i want the colors to be distinct from eachother (even when used on small symbols on the map). Maybe US green (little green men!) and make britain blue.
Another logical setup would be:
neutral: What ever works and stands out, pale yellow?
Nazi germany: dark grey (historical uniforms)
USA: blue
Japan: white
Britain: red (redcoats, as well as historical main color)
Any ideas? Grey sort of makes sense for a neutral team though... But it makes the rest of the color mappings harder.