
Trumps great wall... will it ever happen?

Started by November 09, 2016 03:43 PM
203 comments, last by Promit 7 years, 7 months ago
Amusingly I'm seeing an increasing amount of people on twitter saying that this might be their last GDC (because pre-booked) and starting to ask GDC to consider a more accessible country for the next event...

Amusingly I'm seeing an increasing amount of people on twitter saying that this might be their last GDC (because pre-booked) and starting to ask GDC to consider a more accessible country for the next event...

Please say UK. Please.... Maybe then I can actually afford to attend...
Ha, I doubt it.. while we haven't gone Full American yet our Brexit direction and leader's rhetoric hardly makes the UK a warm and welcoming destination either; who knows what entry in to the UK will look like in two or three years time.

Mainland Europe is probably the preferred location for many, which is ironic given the recent cancellation of GDC Europe :D
I believe Canada is still open for business if GDC wants to come here again. Maybe then I can spare the time to visit. :P

If you vote you choose to do so knowing how the system works and that this sort of thing happens, so why then complain when the vote doesn't have the outcome you wanted? It's the same here with brexit, and there wasn't even any electoral college in the mix...

Yes, but I don't see a reason for overexaggeration of criticism of Trump.

It is a right to criticise an elected government. Obama was criticised, the same must face Trump as well.

(Aaaand it seems to me that Trump starts to successfully disappoint also people that have trusted in him, me including. I too believe he needs some form of corrugation, he seems to be too smart and independent?)

I don't see why people who 'trusted him' should be disappointed; he is, after all, doing what he said he would... if you voted for him on the understanding that what he said and what he would do aren't the same then....

*falls off chair laughing*

It's the 3rd time I have seen this happening with voting. First our referendum about Ukraine, then brexit, and now Trump, it seems like a pattern to me :)

Otherwise, I am still amazed you can completely disrespect 50% of the population ("grab them by the pussy"), and still become president.

Ban on ALL people regardless of religion from 7 countries

Oh, come on. We all know that this is a de facto muslim ban.

Conquestor3, is there a point when you'll say to yourself Trump has gone too far? Or will you keep performing mental gymnastics and defend him no matter what he does?

Otherwise, I am still amazed you can completely disrespect 50% of the population ("grab them by the pussy"), and still become president.

Yeah, big surprise to everyone (apart from his core supporters)

can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...

On the one hand it has a lot of liberal people. On the other hand it also comprises of those screaming with every vein in their neck "I want my country back"

The second group out number the first

Once again, THEY DON'T. Even if you must persist with the Electoral College nonsense, the fact remains that 3 MILLION more liberals voted for Hillary than conservatives voted for Trump AND 11 MILLION more people voted for Democratic senators than Republican senators.
Liberals need to stop pretending they're an endangered species and start acting like what they are... the majority.

When you play a game you're aware of the rules.

If you vote you choose to do so knowing how the system works and that this sort of thing happens, so why then complain when the vote doesn't have the outcome you wanted?

It's the same here with brexit, and there wasn't even any electoral college in the mix...

You're missing the point. The game is broken, and no-one would play a game where the team with the most points just randomly lost every few years. But this isn't a game and you don't get a choice whether you play or not (well, you do, but the outcome of the games still affects you).

The democracy in the US is not representative of the will of the people.

Brexit (as pants-on-head retarded as it was), was at least a genuine representation of the will of the people. You could make an argument about the lies told by the leave campaign or the fact that most of the people who will live with this decision for the longest time voted against it, but in real terms it was a fair vote and the idiots won.

That is not the case in the US.

Now, I am not saying that Trump isn't a legitimate president. He was elected under the rules and unlike him, I'm not a paranoid nutjob who thinks someone "hacked" the election (or dead people voted or whatever other nonsense he thinks today).

Trump is absolutely the legitimate president of the US. However, he should be governing for all of his citizens, not just the minority that got him into power.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

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