
Trumps great wall... will it ever happen?

Started by November 09, 2016 03:43 PM
203 comments, last by Promit 7 years, 8 months ago
Well, the news happening right now is that; - Some of the wall might be a fence; so yes.. he meant build a wall - Will be deporting 3 million undocumented immigrants "immediately" ... so I can only assume the Muslim ban and registration will happen too; looks like he is going to do all the things he said... So... explain that one resident apologists?

He's only started falling back. Previously Trump said "We aren't building a fence, it's gonna be a beautiful, big wall, and Mexico's going to pay for it!"

Now it's "We're going to build a wall, well, part fence/part wall, and Mexico will help reimburse part of it"

Soon it will be "We're going to build a fence/Incomplete fence, but we're gonna have people patrol the non-fenced areas, and Mecixo will help report people crossing the border

He lowered the number of illegal immigrants he planned to deport, also. Expect that to keep dropping.

Remember how he backed away from his Muslim ban despite the more conservative base loving it? Same thing will happen.

*EDIT* Just read the above posts and removed parts about Trump killing the TPP *EDIT*

my Japanese fiancé

Congradulations, glad to hear everything's starting to work out after your last updates.


I don't take everything that any politician promised during their campaign literally, because most of the time, they have no idea how it has been happening. It's all talk until they sit in the office. Take a look at the Obamacare. He strongly opposed that, then eh, I guess he's keeping a few of its points after all.

Same thing with the damn wall. As the truth and time unfolds, pretty sure he won't be able to keep it up. Maybe he would lay out some plans, but as far as executing it properly the way he had imagined it, I doubt it.

And no matter how harsh the presentation, anti-Trump views need to be supported if we are ever to make progress as a species. And sometimes those viewpoints need to be harshly expressed.

I am actually under the impressions that everybody is against Trump. It's the pro Trump supporters that receive the backlash.

Anyway..(walks back out slowly)

Trumps wall will likely manifest as renewed, and more strict immigration policy. A wall of Policies if you will. The idea of building a wall/fence/picket fence that would need to run close to ~1,900 miles long would require a national initiative this country that has not been seen in quite some time. For such a massive structure one could (Partially) reference the Atlantic wall built in WW2.

The Atlantic wall ran ~1,600 miles, and manifested itself as a nest of fortifications, and defensive perimeters. The point being it took two years, costed more than 3.7 billion Reichsmarks for just the french portion ($206 billion in us currency, and horrifically accomplished by slave labor), and even with a large initiative behind Germany never came close to completion. I believe the "Wall" in its most literal form is quite foolish, and will likely never be erected.

Marcus Hansen

What's hilarious is that, usually, after an election the winner's supporters are trying to convince you that their candidate is actually going to stay true to the promises they made during their campaign.

In this case, many of Trump supporters seem to be doing the exact opposite. Why on earth did they support him in the first place then? His hair? :P


Why on earth did they support him in the first place then? His hair? :P

Because they hate Hillary. That was the problem with this election. Almost everyone voted AGAINST the opposition instead of FOR their candidate.
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

Why on earth did they support him in the first place then? His hair? :P

Because they hate Hillary. That was the problem with this election. Almost everyone voted AGAINST the opposition instead of FOR their candidate.

Exactly this.

I voted for my candidate (who lost the primary), then had to make do with the choices I was given. Knowing Trump would flip on most of his policies, I went ahead with him, and he's flipping on his policies as expected.

Why on earth did they support him in the first place then? His hair? :P

Because they hate Hillary. That was the problem with this election. Almost everyone voted AGAINST the opposition instead of FOR their candidate.

Exactly this.

I voted for my candidate (who lost the primary), then had to make do with the choices I was given. Knowing Trump would flip on most of his policies, I went ahead with him, and he's flipping on his policies as expected.

When I first moved overseas 13.5 years ago I was still proud to call myself American.
It’s been slowly dwindling since then. America has no longer been seen as a welcoming force. Literally exactly as Osama wanted.

The wall was so ridiculous I only took it as rhetoric, but rhetoric that lets people know what is on his mind.
This time I voted for my guy, but my guy got kicked out unjustly thanks to the system.

How small we all are.
I try to fight with words, but words can’t reach those who need to be fixed.

I used to think well of my home country. The world relies on our movies and our music. If our Wall Street goes down then so does the rest of the world. At least I had these small victories.
As I grew to appreciate other cultures more I lost some importance in my own, but I never thought my culture would be an insult to myself and everything I had tried to be.

My coworkers assure me that people from the UK can distinguish between those of us who got caught up in a bad vote, similar to Brexit.
But this weekend I stood outside catching Pokémon only to be approached by drunken wanderers who first asked me where the best club was and then asked, “Oh, your accent, from where are you?”
“OH, oh, OH, did you vote for Trump?”
Americans are being pocketed into one camp or the other. From now on you’re just a Trump voter or not.
But, I’ve just tried to be myself. Always.
I feel as if my identity has been stripped away.
I’ve always done what I love but now I am just a Trump voter or not.

But if this is the direction my country wants to go, I am small and can’t do anything about it.
But it’s the worst possible time for it to happen, because it is the time when I am most ready to dedicate myself to another.
She is my everything. I’ve only done things in my life so that she could marry a good man and be proud of her choice.

I can’t feel as if I am making her proud of her choice.
My country has gone into disgrace and I feel helpless trying to separate myself from it.

I’ve just accepted a job in America at Apple. But living in America only makes it harder for me to separate myself from Americans, and I can’t ask my Japanese fiancé to live in a racist country.

The wall he wanted exists whether we want to acknowledge it or not.
I feel a wall in my self-worth. I feel I have to strongly go out and reassert my own individuality to make sure I am not grouped among the other.

The wall exists and it is already tearing people apart.

Even if everyone here agrees that I am on the right side of it, my fiancé has to repeat and reiterate that I am not “that kind of American” for the rest of her life.
It’s a burden I bear upon her just by being born in Kansas.

I don’t know many husbands whose wives make excuses for them just for being.
What I can do is introduce her into this racist culture, or I can marry her but keep her from America, and always leave her wondering why I turned down money.
Or I can randomly call off our wedding and let her wonder why for the rest of her life.
Or I can fall prey to a random accident and solve all the problems at once.

I don’t know what is in the future for America. And I just don’t care anymore.
I just want her to have a great future.
I can’t give it to her anymore. I can’t give her the safe place I used to think was my country.

This is Trump’s wall.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

I mean... If you're going into business dev, that salary isn't out of range for remote working senior developer as well. Would that be better on your conscience?

Capital one labs is hiring a $USD 350k+ developer right now and would probably go for a $USD 200k+ remote dev instead.

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