
Trumps great wall... will it ever happen?

Started by November 09, 2016 03:43 PM
203 comments, last by Promit 7 years, 8 months ago
The topic is Trump's wall, not any of his other policies / proposals.

Please stay respectful of one another and on topic.

I think it's just a ploy. Trump needs a reason to stay in power for 8 long years, and it's going to take a long time to build a wall across the entire California + Arizona + New Mexico + Texas border. 4 states! That's an insane waste of money, time, and resources.


To be fair, L. Spiro (whose posts have now been deleted) has a point: building that wall the way he first said is basically impossible for a variety of reasons. Most likely he'll just build some joke of a wall to appease the supporters.


But what I am ?really curious about is whether or not we get a new Night's Watch to go with his wall. Possibly a Jon Snow?

Man, you know shit has really hit the fan when Game of Thrones seems to be mirroring real life.

Makes me really miss the good ol' days...literally one week ago, when nobody thought he'd win.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

The topic is Trump's wall, not any of his other policies / proposals.

Please stay respectful of one another and on topic.

If I summarized my posts I would end up with the same thing I originally posted.

I never spoke about any other policy, and my level of respect was full. I even made secondary posts to clarify that I hadn’t targeted anyone who felt I had targeted them, but to say that I was posting in-general.

Literally the words I used.

Do not delete my posts without consulting me first. I’d have happily edited any small bits that may have been confrontational.

Not only that, but when I requested my posts be deleted in the past I was met with a lecture on how much you hate do to that and how much of a special occasion is was that you did it for me.

Am I not allowed to point out the irony here between a staff so opposed to Trump that they then behave like Trump?

It’s especially egregious that you have done so when I made points so valid that they were mentioned in the previous post.

Building the wall is impossible for reasons so obvious that most of us always took it as rhetoric.

We are not worried about what is impossible for him to do, we are about what is so easy for him to do that all he has to do is send an intern on a task and then sign the resulting document that gets us out of the Paris treaty.

It has never been about the stupid wall.

I am NDA-bound not to explain why I might be moving back to America very soon, and the safety and comfort of my Japanese fiancé is of a significant concern to me now.

Do not. Do not. Sit there and tell me how much you hate to remove topics because of their sensitive nature even though I gave extremely valuable reasons for it, then come on and quickly dismiss and delete my previous posts Willy Nilly.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

L. Spiro, I removed your posts because in my view you failed to heed my instruction to keep your tone respectful. I will absolutely continue to remove your posts if I feel it necessary. There is no requirement that I consult anyone before taking this action. Whether your points are valid or have a "sensitive nature" is quite beside the point.

The alternative to this is that I lock the topic. I don't want to lock the topic as there are other members here who are capable of discussing this without belittling each other. I do not like removing anyone's content but I will for the sake of the broader community.

Please feel free to contact other moderators or staff if you feel my actions are not consistent with the moderation policy on the site.

This topic is closed to new replies.
