
This is a joke! (US Presidential Election Thread)

Started by October 31, 2016 12:15 AM
209 comments, last by rip-off 7 years, 10 months ago
If he were running as a Democrat, then that would make sense. But he's running as a Republican. So the base would nominate anyone from the GOP party as a big "f you" to Clinton and the Establishment.

No, he fooled the typically conservative voters to vote for him "bigly" in the primaries. He's had 2 separate strategies, which is why he freely walks back on things he's promised earlier.

So he has made a living in the political sphere. Also, negotiating to build a hotel or golf course is not the same as negotiating a truce, peace treaty, trade agreement, or alliance. Very different things are in play.

His only real position is that he'll hire "great people, the best" to do most of the actual work, I'd assume that would include this. Presidents don't really write those up, their cabinet members do.

So he'll do the exact opposite of what he's been campaigning?


So this is all a show. And you know this. You're voting for a guy as a "f you" to the establishment even though he's going to do what the establishment has always done. So you want a guy to distract you with lies while still screwing you over just as the establishment has always done? So the only thing that's changed is the feel good rhetoric he gives you as more of you lose jobs and have your rights whiddled away.

There won't be much of a difference whether Trump or Clinton win in terms of that. The only difference is voting in someone who we know is corrupt, vs someone who promises not to be corrupt.

I'd rather not set the example of having elected someone everyone knows is corrupt.

I meant that your statement trivializes some pretty important issues, not that he's a fucking idiot because he trivializes issues. He's a fucking idiot for many other extremely good reasons. And you've pretty much repeated the media spin/marketing argument given to just about everything he's ever or said and done.

Oh... What issues did I trivialize? Bad words? Let's get a board of kindergarten teachers to analyze this before going further.

The media spin/marketing is that Trump will destroy the country... Hyperbole basically. The one thing Trump doesn't want spread is that he's just doing a facade to drum up passion from his base (yes, even at the cost of resentment from others). Funny enough, Cruz tried to hit him on this point before, and it was pretty damn effective. If Cruz wasn't a religious zealot he probably would have done well in the primaries with this approach.


That's nice, but this case is from October 28. I'm referring to the case on October 31 (witnessed by one C.M.S. whose identity has been very, very diligently redacted out in the publicly available PDF scan of her affidavit from November 3 by placing a black rectangle over her name. Gotta love computer-savy journalists).

It is unclear which election this particular incident refers to (it's not stated anywhere, as far as I could find). Might as well be the Marijuana thing again, might as well be presidential elections. Who can tell.

The official reply meanwhile is "everything is totally legal". Mind you, they have not just one, but even two plausible excuses. First they were restoring votes from damaged ballots, and then it was merely them having copied verbatim the votes of overseas military personnel who voted by fax. Are you kidding me? :lol:

First they were restoring votes from damaged ballots, and then it was merely them having copied verbatim the votes of overseas military personnel who voted by fax. Are you kidding me?

As someone who actually ran polling in NJ (collected/delivered them/trained poll workers) neither of these are legal in the slightest. Damaged ballots are disqualified and investigated, overseas ballots go through an entirely separate process.

I'd rather not set the example of having elected someone everyone knows is corrupt.

Wut? We already know Trump is corrupt. We already know he's participated in the corruption. We know he's benefited from the corruption. We know he was friends with, benefactor, and benefactee to the same people you say are so corrupt. We watch him lie over the most minute situation and go out of his way to manipulate the base and the public with those lies.


The level of cognitive dissonance is amazing. Political schizophrenia indeed.


That's nice, but this case is from October 28. I'm referring to the case on October 31

That's nice. But seeing as there's no source to refer to what you're referring, it sounds like hearsay.

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But seeing as there's no source to refer to what you're referring, it sounds like hearsay.

Feel free to enter something like "lauderhill worker fired witness" into Google, which gives me 26k hits. The first one being, of course, a news site owned by a Trump supporter... but that doesn't mean it isn't true anyway. The full affidavit is available as PDF (I found it on some 3-letter site, forgot the name, something with a "j"... you will surely find it if you're interested).

I obviously wouldn't know if it's genuine, but the wording is identical to the wording in the excerpt that Cernovich posted on his twitter page, so in all likelihood it's not just some nutter's homemade fan post.

Then of course, assuming that it's genuine, that young woman might have lied under oath (you just wanted to suggest that, be honest!). And of course, she might be the one person whom you can find online (among 6 others) who was arrested in 2014 for some drug trafficking story with an accordingly low credibility (you just wanted to allege that, too, come on!).

But as a matter of fact, we don't know.

She might just as well be one of the 6 other young women who come up if you search for that name, and she might be telling the truth. You know, sometimes, occasionally, people do tell the truth, especially under oath. Seeing how false testimony is a felony with a not-at-all-trivial penalty, I'd rather doubt someone who is still at her senses would lie in an affidavit just like this.

All we know for sure is that this is not the first "issue" with votes in Florida, and there is a witness who -- under oath -- testifies that she saw employees filling out votes. Two stacks of ballots, empty ones to the right, and filled-out ones to the left. No mention of "fax".

Now, the official story is they copied the votes from fax, which has a "wrong size format" or something. Only just that, apart from being a really weird story (I'm a layman, but I deem the conception of a practice that involves copying a telefax onto a ballot sheer unbelieveable), it doesn't correspond with what the witness attested. There would have to be at least a third stack of paper, right?

Let's wait until tomorrow and see if the young woman is found dead in an alley with three gunshots in her back, and with her valuables still on her.

I meant that your statement trivializes some pretty important issues, not that he's a fucking idiot because he trivializes issues. He's a fucking idiot for many other extremely good reasons. And you've pretty much repeated the media spin/marketing argument given to just about everything he's ever or said and done.

Oh... What issues did I trivialize? Bad words? Let's get a board of kindergarten teachers to analyze this before going further.

The media spin/marketing is that Trump will destroy the country... Hyperbole basically. The one thing Trump doesn't want spread is that he's just doing a facade to drum up passion from his base (yes, even at the cost of resentment from others). Funny enough, Cruz tried to hit him on this point before, and it was pretty damn effective. If Cruz wasn't a religious zealot he probably would have done well in the primaries with this approach.

Yea, not only did you pretty much leave out a lot of what he's said (ranging from not accepting the election unless he wins to racism against judges, to racism against Khizr Khan's wife, change laws to make it easier to sue the media, I mean what's the fucking point of listing at this point), you're trivializing some serious things (grabbing women's genitalia is sexual assault, not bad language).

The media spin is that this guy is fucking dangerous. There's no lie there. There is hysteria amongst folks who certainly feel threatened. Realistically the guy is dangerous cause of how fucking nutty he is and the frenzy he's got his supporters going into. All I need to do is go to a rally and I can see it there. Will the world end? I mean, nothing ever ends the world per se, but this wichser could certainly cause some serious damage ranging from at the minimum setting the US back to particularly nasty scenarios. It's not so much about how likely these scenarios are but the fact that they can even exist which is the problem here.

I'd rather not set the example of having elected someone everyone knows is corrupt.

Wut? We already know Trump is corrupt. We already know he's participated in the corruption. We know he's benefited from the corruption. We know he was friends with, benefactor, and benefactee to the same people you say are so corrupt. We watch him lie over the most minute situation and go out of his way to manipulate the base and the public with those lies.


The level of cognitive dissonance is amazing. Political schizophrenia indeed.

This pretty much sums up everything. I mean, the logic that Trump is the man to vote for is so utterly twisted that it cannot be followed by any rational reasoning here. The irony is that Trump's corruption is actually proven whereas Clinton's has always been alleged. See that difference there?

And like I said before, there's really no point in going through this, since you've already brought twisted logic to justify anything this guy can or will do. I've said it before, I'll say it again. Trump could shoot someone, rip up his carcass, eat it, all the while laughing maniacally, record the video, upload it to YouTube with his signature on it, and you'll still support him.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!


I'd rather not set the example of having elected someone everyone knows is corrupt.

Oh cool; so you didn't vote for Trump after all then...
Three reports so far;

1) Trump campaign suing Clark County for keeping early voting going Friday due to long lines (as I understand this is the norm if people are in the line come close of polling)

2) Attempt to get Navada Poll worker names to be public; Lawyer claims 'no harassment will happen', Judge respond by asking if the Lawyer in question has even heard of twitter and the trolls therein.

3) Attempting to block Hispanic votes from being counted in the same court as the above

Sounds like the USA needs to invade itself to bring some good old Democracy because it don't look like you've got much of it right now...

Trump supporter to spin this report in 5..4..3..

This is who you're aligned with if you support Trump.

You can spin it however you want, but those are the facts.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

I don't live in a place where they bother polling, but I assumed that polls were anonymous? Why not support whoever you want to?

I think it was principally to make Clinton supporters (well, Trump... non-supporters) get complacent by giving them a false sense of security. And let's be honest, it looks like it worked.

-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-

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