
This is a joke! (US Presidential Election Thread)

Started by October 31, 2016 12:15 AM
209 comments, last by rip-off 7 years, 10 months ago

Seems the FBI found nothing.

Excellent. Hopefully, this means the US can get back to not electing a xenophobic sex offender.

Assuming that the damage can be undone in 1 day. Yeah.

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Seems the FBI found nothing.

Excellent. Hopefully, this means the US can get back to not electing a xenophobic sex offender.

Assuming that the damage can be undone in 1 day. Yeah.

Well the damage was minimal to begin with. Trump had been gaining in the polls before as republicans decided that "hey we'll vote for him after all". As it stands, Clinton is still leading, just not by as much as before.

Hope, and if you're religious, pray.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Excellent. Hopefully, this means the US can get back to not electing a xenophobic sex offender.

In the words of Michelle Obama: "When they [the Republicans talk about the unavoidable issues of the day] we [the Democrats] go [self-righteous]." At least, that's how I vaguely remember how it was said.

I used to think Democrats prided themselves on independent critical thinking. This whole campaign has been wasted on attacking the messenger and fabricating an image of what a Trump supporter is.

Michael Moore has become the epitome of political-schizophrenia: "He [Trump] said; 'I'm telling you right now they move this factory to Mexico. I'm putting a tariff on the cars, and that's it.' And it was music to people's ears. And more people in the Michigan primary voted republican than Democrat in the primary this year. That should be disturbing to everybody."

Why should it be disturbing? Isn't Mike FOR the American worker? What's going on with him these days?

Now Michael Moore thinks he's a Muslim - I'm not making this up!

Clinton is still leading, just not by as much as before.

I don't have much faith in polls. In the words of Thomas Sowell "Like most people I have never seen a pollster". But I'll update that for the Internet-Age "Like most people I have never participated in a political poll".

Hope, and if you're religious, pray.

You'll probably get your prayer answered and Trump will win :wink:

"But God, I wanted Hill--"

"--the better candidate to win, you're welcome."

Excellent. Hopefully, this means the US can get back to not electing a xenophobic sex offender.

In the words of Michelle Obama: "When they [the Republicans talk about the unavoidable issues of the day] we [the Democrats] go [self-righteous]." At least, that's how I vaguely remember how it was said.

I used to think Democrats prided themselves on independent critical thinking. This whole campaign has been wasted on attacking the messenger and fabricating an image of what a Trump supporter is.

Michael Moore has become the epitome of political-schizophrenia: "He [Trump] said; 'I'm telling you right now they move this factory to Mexico. I'm putting a tariff on the cars, and that's it.' And it was music to people's ears. And more people in the Michigan primary voted republican than Democrat in the primary this year. That should be disturbing to everybody."

Why should it be disturbing? Isn't Mike FOR the American worker? What's going on with him these days?

Now Michael Moore thinks he's a Muslim - I'm not making this up!

Look, if you really believe Trump is not a racist, xenophobe, sexist, and overall fucking idiot, if you really support the orangutan, then you probably also believe that the media is lying, and that the system is rigged against him. Any argument made with you will only be met with "IT'S A LIE! IT'S RIGGED!". You have made it a habit of defending anything and everything that Trump can or has said, anything that his supporters can be, so what's the point? You will not listen to reason or logic, as your only response to it is "YOU'RE A PART OF THE SYSTEM! YOU'RE RIGGED!", so what's the fucking point?

You've basically accused anyone who thinks that Trump is a fucking idiot of being self righteous, narrow minded, or down right not paying attention/fear mongering. I got news for you, you've not only demonstrated at least two of these (points for you if you can guess which!), but your candidate has demonstrated all three and more!

Like I said, you're not going to listen to any reason, because we're all brainwashed drones here anyways, so kindly don't bother with even debating with us mere mortals. Clearly you're too far above us to understand why we are afraid of a neo fascist.

Clinton is still leading, just not by as much as before.

I don't have much faith in polls. In the words of Thomas Sowell "Like most people I have never seen a pollster". But I'll update that for the Internet-Age "Like most people I have never participated in a political poll".

Yea, cause as we all know, unless Saint Xenophobic Sexist Trump wins, the system is rigged anyways.

Hope, and if you're religious, pray.

You'll probably get your prayer answered and Trump will win :wink:

"But God, I wanted Hill--"

"--the better candidate to win, you're welcome."

Who's being self righteous now? (EDIT: the only God of the many in my religion, tho I'm admittedly not very religious anyways, who would say that would be Yamraj. Look it up)

Frankly speaking, this isn't about Clinton, it's about what you and your candidate are standing for, and not whatever twisted logic of what you think the asshole (Trump) of America stands for.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Michael Moore has become the epitome of political-schizophrenia: "He [Trump] said; 'I'm telling you right now they move this factory to Mexico. I'm putting a tariff on the cars, and that's it.' And it was music to people's ears. And more people in the Michigan primary voted republican than Democrat in the primary this year. That should be disturbing to everybody." Why should it be disturbing? Isn't Mike FOR the American worker? What's going on with him these days?

I thought Moore was a trump fan after the first 1/2 of this.

Michael Moore has become the epitome of political-schizophrenia: "He [Trump] said; 'I'm telling you right now they move this factory to Mexico. I'm putting a tariff on the cars, and that's it.' And it was music to people's ears. And more people in the Michigan primary voted republican than Democrat in the primary this year. That should be disturbing to everybody."

Way to cut and paste, man. The only thing schizophrenic is your recollection.

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Seems the FBI found nothing.

Or they were told by the President (who happens to be member of the same party as Clinton): Look guys, it would really be healthier for everybody if this was concluded quick. Especially for you. We have no way of knowing.

Besides, on a more objective note, it is -- again -- not true that the FBI "found nothing". They did find something (earlier already) and they gave a rather explicit statement on what that means. Only just, they are not pressing criminal charges, that's all. They found nothing new (or so they said) in addition, right. But that's not "found nothing".

With the current accusations against Mrs. Snipes of closing eyes on voting fraud, the arrests in Dade County, and a presumed eye withness having seen democrats filling out piles of votes in Broward, I'm not willing to believe anyone's innocence any more. Add to that this wikileaks informant being "robbed" with three shots in his back and no valuables taken.

You think Trump is the Devil? Very well, be that as it may. But Clinton doesn't look preceisely innocent either.

The interesting question is, what do you do now. There's arrests on people having opened envolopes and replaced votes, there's a witness for similar stuff in another county... I mean, we're not talking about slipping in one fake vote. We're talking about something on a massive scale.

So... are they going to have Florida vote again? Are they simply not going to count the votes from Florida? What about the millions of honest voters whose vote has been stolen, do they get a compensation? Or do they have to start the whole election over?

Or... seeing how presidential election is pretty much the same as wrestling (both are fake, in both cases the winner is determined before the fight, and there's lots of cussing and little happening otherwise)... will nothing be done about it at all?

With the current accusations against Mrs. Snipes of closing eyes on voting fraud, the arrests in Dade County, and a presumed eye withness having seen democrats filling out piles of votes in Broward, I'm not willing to believe anyone's innocence any more. Add to that this wikileaks informant being "robbed" with three shots in his back and no valuables taken.

The Dade County arrest was for Mayoral race between two Republicans. The Broward case was voter registration (NOT votes) for legalizing cannabis. Neither of which had anything to do with the Presidential election directly or at all.


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Can somebody tell me who's most likely to become president?And how much do you bet someone is going to kill them in a couple of days after they become president.

It's debatable who's currently favored to win. Traditional polling says Hillary has a safe margin, other people claim that Trump's supporters are under-represented as it's socially unnaceptable to publically support Trump. My polling indicates Senator Armstrong is favored to win the general election tomorrow (sample size 2 beings, both cats).

Regardless of who wins, likely no one will be assassinated.

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