I haven't posted in this sub-forum in quite some time, but I finally found something worth discussing I believe:
I'm looking for fresh ideas when it comes to easy feedback implementations.
I'm talking about feedbacks that can result from in-game interactions, but do not imply any inherent gameplay and only serve to add clear and concise feedback for the player.
For example:
- Camera shake: Generally related to an explosion or when the player is hurt (regardless of whether this is in first person)
- "Sprite" shake: may occur when an onscreen enemy is hurt but not killed, or to indicate that the enemy is impervious to this form of attack
- Bounce: May indicate that something has become active or require user attention.
- Fade to/from white or red: Also used in unit damage feedback under some circumstances.
- Rapid flip: may sometimes be used in lieu of a low quality attack animation (alternating left/right) in a static environment
- Knockback: This is a simple attack feedback, but it has gameplay ramifications (adding distance between the attacker and defender to increase delay)
Anyone has other examples of simple feedbacks and what they're used for in (primarily 2D) games?