In general when it comes to programming, if you come across something that you don't understand or can't begin to figure out how to approach then that means that there's some fundamentals that you're missing. You have to reduce what you're trying to do to a more basic level and attempt to approach it from there. If it turns out that new, more basic level project is still something you can't wrap your head around, reduce it further and further until you're looking at something you're ok with. Do this again and again while also figuring out how each individual thing you've learned works together with the others to produce more complex results.
From the very beginning to learn point, your first program is likely a "Hello World" program to just get something on the screen. Then you try to figure out how to get input from the user. If you can find out how to generate a random number then at that point you can take a stab at a "Guess the Number" game. If you're creative, you can think of ways to take what you know at that point and come up with other ideas. Hopefully with a bit of experience producing simple projects you'll start to get a handle on what kind of stuff you're looking at needing to learn to get to your dream project.
Best of luck.
BTW, I'm on year 4 of working on my (current) dream project on my own as a hobby project with about 17 years working in IT and I think something like 13 years before that I started learning to program.