
Looking For 2D Pokemon Styled Assets

Started by July 21, 2016 11:08 PM
5 comments, last by NickFarie 8 years ago

So I am starting to try to create a Pokemon styled game with Unity3D and I am a horrible artist and I would much prefer to be developing a game in which I don't cringe every time I look at it. I am looking for standard 2D top down Pokemon styled sprites that at a minimum would provide:

  • Outdoor tiles (at least a few different ones like short grass, tall grass / bushes, and trees)
  • Character sprite (1 character would suffice)
  • Monster characters (I would like to have at least 2)

Bonus points for:

  • Character sprite that has walking / running animations
  • More variation in the outdoor tiles (like houses / buildings, random objects like flower pots, etc.)
  • Indoor tiles
  • Item sprites (like potions, food, etc.)

I don't care if they are free or pay for.

I also want to mention that I am not looking to use directly ripped graphics from Pokemon itself, I don't want to go down that road, just looking for graphics that have that general feel.

So, Ryan, just to be clear - you're asking where you can obtain assets like those?

-- Tom Sloper --


Try for your general needs, and then mock up ugly placeholder art (the uglier the better) for your game to use until your game is actually playable and far enough along development to be actually enjoyable to play.

Then, start showing your game on art sites, and artists will jump to provide better quality work.

(but it's a waste of their time and yours, for your game to have custom art before it's actually enjoyable and playable, because most game projects don't make it to completion)

@Tom Sloper: Yes, I am looking to obtain assets, not how to create them (I have tried in the past at creating both 2D and 3D and it just take me too long with poor results, just not the artist type).

@Servant of the Lord: Thanks, I will take a look at that site. While I am not looking for super high quality art, I do want something that will not be so ugly that it is going to bug the hell out of me, just something that is nice enough to be able to allow me to work and try to get a some what playable and enjoyable core game (and then like you said, look for more custom art once the game has passed a certain state where it is highly unlikely I am not going to finish it).

While I am not looking for super high quality art, I do want something that will not be so ugly that it is going to bug the hell out of me

Personally, I think bugging the hell out of you is a good thing. :lol:

It'll motivate you to push the game forward, it'll remind you that it's placeholder art so you don't accidentally forget to remove it before release (which has accidentally happened even to AAA commercial games), it'd motivate and encourage future artists to replace it ("Hey, I can easily make something better than that!"), and when it does get replaced, it'd feel incredible to you, and give you another boost of motivation to press on with the project.

(Another example is intentionally not having music playable within your game until further in development, so the first time you hear the music in-game, you get a boost of development adrenaline)

I am a horrible artist - Don't bother, just hire somebody to draw for you (and hire good artist!). If you release game with poor graphic, then nobody want to play this game. People, understand that game development is not for one people, just like movie production...


Are you still looking for an artist? I am capable. If you are still looking, is how to reach me.

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